Give us chance | The Legend of Mir

Give us chance


Unban speed79 with any punishment u decide for bug exploit
Unban xannax it didnt bug it didnt deserve perm ban
Its like 1 year banned mate

U gave ner0z who made full kit ftom bug exploitting a chance and unbanned him .
bug exploitting for moving 6 stone from sia to ner0z noob storeg how i can know its bug exploitting if no one told me we know after sia post in forum 3gena but how andy will know we didnt banifet from it no idea anyway andy banned for me 1 storeg from 2 year + name F16 and the reason wes using VPN and now its allowed so andy well you gave me my old store f16 back if there no bug exploitting or even VPN allowed so there no reason . mabye you just forget to unbanned it from 2 years +
fucking hell.. u dont give up do you? unban them on condition they all turn to lvl 10 and delete all there items and spells. also clear their storage... u ok with that speed? also make sure all the noobs on the account are cleared also

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you also need to understand that GM wanted to get rid of you guys long ago as you were hurting his pocket... so your last antics was a good reason for him to get rid of you lot...

also the more you guys post about getting the char back... the more GM gonna stick to his word.. so just give up please.. strt new it will take u 3months to be above where your main char speed was
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you noob shdow the storeg what i talk abuot is from 2 year + even before andy add runs update system what is ur problem are you one from who i use to slap ?
fucking hell.. u dont give up do you? unban them on condition they all turn to lvl 10 and delete all there items and spells. also clear their storage... u ok with that speed? also make sure all the noobs on the account are cleared also

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you also need to understand that GM wanted to get rid of you guys long ago as you were hurting his pocket... so your last antics was a good reason for him to get rid of you lot...

also the more you guys post about getting the char back... the more GM gonna stick to his word.. so just give up please.. strt new it will take u 3months to be above where your main char speed was

so sad ur reply means we were big problem to u :)
lol..i always had problem with you guys.. and one reason is cause your a big manipulator.... even now you msg my friends telling them you have 15k gg.. in hope they listen to you.. lol just fuck off man. this game is better off without you