Ghost players at MW? | The Legend of Mir

Ghost players at MW?

They are semi-cybernetic clones from the year 2042, sent back in time to lie in wait for Scorpian to pass through that area of mudwall late at night. They plan to capture him and prevent him from giving birth to his 3rd son, Everard, who will quietly rise to power and finally slay all that is good and free, leaving the world of Arcadia a bitter shell of it's former self, a home to evil, and birthplace of horror
They are semi-cybernetic clones from the year 2042, sent back in time to lie in wait for Scorpian to pass through that area of mudwall late at night. They plan to capture him and prevent him from giving birth to his 3rd son, Everard, who will quietly rise to power and finally slay all that is good and free, leaving the world of Arcadia a bitter shell of it's former self, a home to evil, and birthplace of horror

I cant believe I just read that lmao
Was that a one off or did it happen each time you teleported over?

Possible that on one occasion there was an issue clearing all your "actors" and they remained in memory but otherwise seems strange to keep happening
Was that a one off or did it happen each time you teleported over?

Possible that on one occasion there was an issue clearing all your "actors" and they remained in memory but otherwise seems strange to keep happening

Just logged in to check and it looks like it was a one off. I'll update the thread if it happens again though