Should be made so non-guild members can access SW palace if the walls are broken and also make it about 20-30mil to repair each wall
Bruv u dizzy? Fight for the right to have the wall. Generated 15m that wall did yday LOL lovely stuff.
I would like to see more ppl fighting over the castle.. one way to to do that is by increasing income of the wall Also getting SW is different to other castles.. The more ppl who occupy SW the longest over 2-3hours will get the castle.
i dont think you need to increase the income, imo this latest update has made SW the most valuable castle followed by Trist.
Income is automatically increased cause now more ppl be using it.. its gonna come down to whether current occupier is willing to spend 50mil to repair the wall so it keeps outsiders out.. obviously this will stop ppl coming in which will decrease the income. Also atm outsiders cant get inside SW even with walls broken.. In the past when there was just one castle, guilds used to secure SW just so they can have a peacful place to go afk.. now with so many different castles.. that doesnt really matter anymore
Ah good point, forgot terry would be paying his taxes
I still don’t get the repair a wall idea. Currently you can’t get in unless you own sw which I belief is the entire point no?
As far as the war goes I made a separate post
Is this intended to be exclusive to Sabuk wall holders?
Perhaps put carful Kev in a wall
Add Slutty Bev instead. She's cheap she's cheerful. She will Polish your gems for next to nothing, if you blink she will rip you off and not give you your orb!
Slutty bev don’t rhyme. Slutty sue
I stuck with the kev theme!
Either way some fun npcs would be a laugh!
Still think the way this gemstone salvage is set up is hugely disrespectful to Mir lore. Everyone should have access to this npc. Sw holders should get to use it for free but everyone else should still have access but have to pay. We will not contest sw it’s pointless 8 people from one guild vs 40 from the other 3-4 guilds