GameShop | The Legend of Mir



Active Member
hey there andy and others

just a fast little thing about gameshop it is great the way it is but maybe one little change maybe everymonth can the item sales be changed as when i frist started the game the telport ring was on it and was selling for 1000gg can it maybe all new items show per month like this month can be atm subscriptions and pots ..... say next month it can be changed to skill books and evol stones and maybe just keep changeing per months :)
hey there andy and others

just a fast little thing about gameshop it is great the way it is but maybe one little change maybe everymonth can the item sales be changed as when i frist started the game the telport ring was on it and was selling for 1000gg can it maybe all new items show per month like this month can be atm subscriptions and pots ..... say next month it can be changed to skill books and evol stones and maybe just keep changeing per months :)

IMO not a bad shout
This already happens, he just doesn't use it much.

There are 5 slots on the left of the game shop, it even says "item sale" at the top.

When there are items on discount (usually during events) he puts them there. If there are no items currently on discount then he puts some common things there to save everyone a little bit of time

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On re-reading your post I understand you do mean the "item sale" bit on the left.

That has been changed a few times, especially during events, he just doesn't use it much.

On that note, can you put rev scrolls in there please so they are quicker to buy :p
I think gg shop could do with an update. Here’s a couple ideas:

As it stands the only “real” choice for a necky is a drake. Some people may sometimes use another but if you can afford one, you own one. Time for something new around lvl 160 maybe?
Pots? Will split people’s opinions no doubt.
Orbs, does anyone buy them at the prices they are?
A GG pet, bound to char and what not and maybe different for each class or a couple different options.

Im sure there’s a ton of ideas out there
a new crit necky , higher rev/para/pro's + clears, change evo stones to just 1k gg pets from the shop

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also love how the elixirs are in the "Item sales" tab at regular price
We really like to focus on stability and not being confusing with sales. It can very easily become unfair. So, we tend to avoid such sales tactics.

The exception is events where certain items may complement the event
We really like to focus on stability and not being confusing with sales. It can very easily become unfair. So, we tend to avoid such sales tactics.

The exception is events where certain items may complement the event

DarkStyle asked me to ask you if you can put RevScrollBundle in shop :D