game losing pace | The Legend of Mir

game losing pace


Active Member
Hi warda and other guy,
after messages and text etc with no reply!
all work you have done is great for group hunts..
how about you put something into players that solo hunt...
bet if you looked into this 50 % of players would sign up..
for all the moaners out there take note.....
EZ one of the best wiz/ players in the game has left because of pk
Hi warda and other guy,
after messages and text etc with no reply!
all work you have done is great for group hunts..
how about you put something into players that solo hunt...
bet if you looked into this 50 % of players would sign up..
for all the moaners out there take note.....
EZ one of the best wiz/ players in the game has left because of pk

Who ?

and who was pking him
Hi warda and other guy,
after messages and text etc with no reply!
all work you have done is great for group hunts..
how about you put something into players that solo hunt...
bet if you looked into this 50 % of players would sign up..
for all the moaners out there take note.....
EZ one of the best wiz/ players in the game has left because of pk

Hi, just few questions, what are u soloing? Where u hunt most? What are you suggesting that would add into for solo hunters? Who's EZ?
And alot of people that like pk left couse the lack of it.. so two sides of the coin :/

I agree anyway. With everyone
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I think he is talking about DEEA.
DEEA was stealing people's pets yesterday and last week in Sunkens. Hence we starting pking him/her. But he/she never fights back.
Also pk is just a part of the game. It's fun for those who likes it.

It could be improved for those who wishes to solo and pve only. That if you kill a player who's name is white, you will be red/yellow much longer. And while you are red or yellow, you drop more items and can not use random/town teleport scrolls. And if you die you are more likely to drop items.

Mechanics like this will prevent people in pking those who doesnt ok. But this can be easily abused, for example if you just make a low char and walk into wizards fire naked.
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I think he is talking about DEEA.
DEEA was stealing people's pets yesterday and last week in Sunkens. Hence we starting pking him/her. But he/she never fights back.
Also pk is just a part of the game. It's fun for those who likes it.

It could be improved for those who wishes to solo and pve only. That if you kill a player who's name is white, you will be red/yellow much longer. And while you are red or yellow, you drop more items and can not use random/town teleport scrolls. And if you die you are more likely to drop items.

Mechanics like this will prevent people in pking those who doesnt ok. But this can be easily abused, for example if you just make a low char and walk into wizards fire naked.

SurEly can't be Deea he says 1 of the best wiz/players , deea is harendious lol
Game only lacks pace if you let it!
Please dont get me wrong its a little quiet at moment, and really hoping event is planned soon.... as summer nearly over in england lol
Hi warda and other guy,
after messages and text etc with no reply!
all work you have done is great for group hunts..
how about you put something into players that solo hunt...
bet if you looked into this 50 % of players would sign up..
for all the moaners out there take note.....
EZ one of the best wiz/ players in the game has left because of pk
Lol best wiz player...
DEEA is a cock. Tried (and failed) to pk my tao then immediately TT when I show up on my wiz. Begged to join our guild and within 24hrs was stealing pets from allies and didn't reply to pm from me or leader. So aye, boot and pk is the answer to that one lol
You guys trash talk a kid. Well done all adult ones lol

You suggesting kids can't be arseholes? Most kids are fine, and I help where I can, just not that one. He's an arse and makes trouble for himself so he cannot complain when people fight back
He got his hulks stolen 2 weeks ago i remembered. Turns out he got pk'd for learning what was taught to him =P
He got his hulks stolen 2 weeks ago i remembered. Turns out he got pk'd for learning what was taught to him =P

Not by me, he shourd find out who did it and do it back to them only. He's done it to everyone now and has made enemies, now he has lost his chance to get any hulks as he's will get pkd if he shows up at ship
OFC most kids are arseholes. I got three of my own as you know. I just ecspect adults to have, let us say more kind words to them then cock or asshole :)
Hi warda and other guy,
after messages and text etc with no reply!
all work you have done is great for group hunts..
how about you put something into players that solo hunt...
bet if you looked into this 50 % of players would sign up..
for all the moaners out there take note.....
EZ one of the best wiz/ players in the game has left because of pk

Pk is part of the game bud, without pk it will be boring. I understand peeps who wants to play safe only,but this theory cannot be applied irl how can it apply in game? a game character defines the character irl who is playing that character meaning some are good and honest some are bad and thief’s and some are bad with principals. Hope it makes some sense >.<
Pk is part of the game bud, without pk it will be boring. I understand peeps who wants to play safe only,but this theory cannot be applied irl how can it apply in game? a game character defines the character irl who is playing that character meaning some are good and honest some are bad and thief’s and some are bad with principals. Hope it makes some sense >.<

Exactly. Some people like pvp, some don't. I'm not adverse to it on occasion but I like to be left alone when I'm levelling so I usually avoid pvp. There's 2 ways to avoid pvp, you can be a decent person, help folk out and become mutual friends with people and then they don't want to pk you. Or you can bitch and moan about it and cry that pk is ruining the server, which is what most people seem to do. People who moan are the ones who make me want to turn to the dark side lol