Game Login | The Legend of Mir

Game Login

been trying to log into the game with a new password requested as i forgot my old one, it just keeps saying incorrect every time. is there a separate link for both a complete username and password change?
u managed to log in to forums with same account? if yes then its just server lag.. need to give it a little while for it to sync
my game ID username which i do remember isn't the same one that i use for the forums, it's the password request change that isn't accepted when i try to log in with i missing something?
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my game ID username which i do remember isn't the same one that i use for the forums, it's the password request change that isn't accepted when i try to log in with i missing something?

so any explanation then as to why the new password request change i'm sent for the game doesn't work?
i remember k***** as my game username which has my main characters on it. DeusVitae is only what i use for forum access. i've been trying those password recovery log in details, but every time i try to log into game with a new one it gets rejected. i can't explain it any better as to why using this as a solution doesn't fix the problem.
Mate, help him to help you. Andy is a busy guy. I understand you don't want to post private details on the forum. Just email him, include a link to this thread so he knows what you're talking about, your full unredacted username and the email address you are using.

He will be able to check if the password recovery worked properly or not. And if not, what can be done about it to verify your account.

As it is you're not really giving him much to go on.