Game Gold Shop | The Legend of Mir

Game Gold Shop

It says on the gg shop page that it's an issue with PayPal. PayPal are famous for randomly blocking accounts and have bonkers hoops to jump through to get it back live and give no information to the account holder. So there's a pretty good chance GM doesn't actually know any more than we do unfortunately
Getting back on track, from the players pov I can understand the massive frustration around this issue (people that want to buy and those who’s things that don’t sell in AH due to lack of gg)

There is a really simple way to solve the problem however....

Communication! If GM’s where open and honest about issues and gave a “best guess” around when they might be sorted out I think it would make a lot of people happy.

On a side note, why not do a Black Friday super sale on gg to make up for all the down time over the last 3 months? 25% discount on all purchase prices for example? (Every 100gg purchased gets you 125gg) Could run it Friday until Monday and set up a temp pp AC if that’s the issue...