Few issues for GM | The Legend of Mir

Few issues for GM


Active Member
Hi Andy, I've noticed some small game's issues and maybe you can improve them.
1. When player revive, he got stuck and cant move. I often died for the second time for the simple reason that I could not move. Against mobs and other players.
2. Explosive Amulet very often misses the target. 3 blows get it and 2 others dont. Somehow it's also linked to the position the mobs/boss/player.
3. Elemental speed is a big headache. II need very much the time to becomes blue and its attack is ineffective. My proposal would be to change speed, at least against mobs.
Hi Andy, I've noticed some small game's issues and maybe you can improve them.
1. When player revive, he got stuck and cant move. I often died for the second time for the simple reason that I could not move. Against mobs and other players.
2. Explosive Amulet very often misses the target. 3 blows get it and 2 others dont. Somehow it's also linked to the position the mobs/boss/player.
3. Elemental speed is a big headache. II need very much the time to becomes blue and its attack is ineffective. My proposal would be to change speed, at least against mobs.

I have same problem latley, i get stuck. I have to dash to get out of the "stuck".
Very boring tbh and it got worse latley.

I usualy played always at fps 55-65 now it are down to 30-32 ALL THE TIME. :grief:
I have same problem latley, i get stuck. I have to dash to get out of the "stuck".
Very boring tbh and it got worse latley.

I usualy played always at fps 55-65 now it are down to 30-32 ALL THE TIME. :grief:

getting stuck after rev has been there since day one as far as i can remember. Dashing or walking rather than running usually helps or rt or tt lol
getting stuck after rev has been there since day one as far as i can remember. Dashing or walking rather than running usually helps or rt or tt lol

My problem aint when i rev.

It can be anywhere and anytime atm. Almost feels like it happends when i move and do things faster then the game.. obs; feels like it. Dont now rly how to explain it.
My problem aint when i rev.

It can be anywhere and anytime atm. Almost feels like it happens when i move and do things faster then the game.. obs; feels like it. Dont now rly how to explain it.

I know what you mean tho.. it randomly happens to me too even when i dont rev.. still thats been there for ages. usually mostly happens when im chasing archers.. and there is this other annoying bug that you see a mob u walk towards it and the mob see you it walks towards you then u walk inside each other.. then your Flamesword or blazing sword that you kept ready for last few secs gets waste.