FAO GM please!!! Ingame Problem with Weapon Socketing | The Legend of Mir

FAO GM please!!! Ingame Problem with Weapon Socketing


Active Member
Seems there is some kind of bug trying to add 4th socket on my ColdHadesSlayer (suppose on 5th too)
Visiting the NPC in PO and when i put weapon in to dialog slot, i get "This item can not be Socketed" message.
Similar weapons i see got 5 slots, so i think there is a problem with this one which btw got another issue, i can't "link" it in dialog.

Who to contact and send my sshots of it please?
Thank you.
Character Name: Xarris
Seems there is some kind of bug trying to add 4th socket on my ColdHadesSlayer (suppose on 5th too)
Visiting the NPC in PO and when i put weapon in to dialog slot, i get "This item can not be Socketed" message.
Similar weapons i see got 5 slots, so i think there is a problem with this one which btw got another issue, i can't "link" it in dialog.

Who to contact and send my sshots of it please?
Thank you.
Character Name: Xarris

Stop hog the power orbs for greef and i help
hi any1 know where to socket weapon on P69
Mate, you just bumped a 3 year old thread on the wrong forum to ask a question

First point, please make a new thread, on the p69 board if you want to ask about p69

Secondly, why are you playing p69. Join arcadia, it's just better
Mate, you just bumped a 3 year old thread on the wrong forum to ask a question

First point, please make a new thread, on the p69 board if you want to ask about p69

Secondly, why are you playing p69. Join arcadia, it's just better

I was thinking the same thing but chose not to say anything.. XD

Arcadia is way more active also.