Event Week Starting Saturday 6th | The Legend of Mir

Event Week Starting Saturday 6th


Staff member
In another post I mentioned a pre-easter-event, event starting on the 6th..

Event Map
On April 6th, the Isles of Arcadia will be turned into an event zone. Monsters aimed at mid-level players will spawn across the lands, protecting glowing Easter eggs and stomping rabbits.

Events Schedule
Sat 6th 2PM BST (for 24 hours) - Experience multiplier x1.5
Sun 7th 2PM BST (for 24 hours) - Double Supers and Champion Spawns
Mon 8th 2PM BST (for 24 hours) - Extra 50% Magic Find
Tue 9th 2PM BST (for 24 hours) - Double Supers and Champion Spawns
Wed 10th 2PM BST (for 24 hours) - Experience multiplier x1.5
Thu 11th 2PM BST (for 24 hours) - Extra 50% Magic Find

There's more..
The Dungeons and Dragons event begins Friday 12th April at 8 PM. Early Access Tokens can be found this week in Arcadia..

At 10:00 AM BST Saturday 6th April the server will go offline to implement the event. We will aim to have the server back online at 10:30, however we will keep you updated if there is a delay.
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Thanks, sounds good!

The easter egg / rabbit thing... Is that going to run until the 12th or until the 22nd?
The island event will need rebooting out which will take place after Dungeons and Dragons has begun. The reboot will probably happen on Sunday 14th but we will judge by how things go..
In another post I mentioned a pre-easter-event, event starting on the 6th..

Event Map
On April 6th, the Isles of Arcadia will be turned into an event zone. Monsters aimed at mid-level players will spawn across the lands, protecting glowing Easter eggs and stomping rabbits.

Events Schedule
Sat 6th 2PM BST (for 24 hours) - Experience multiplier x1.5
Sun 7th 2PM BST (for 24 hours) - Double Supers and Champion Spawns
Mon 8th 2PM BST (for 24 hours) - Extra 50% Magic Find
Tue 9th 2PM BST (for 24 hours) - Double Supers and Champion Spawns
Wed 10th 2PM BST (for 24 hours) - Experience multiplier x1.5
Thu 11th 2PM BST (for 24 hours) - Extra 50% Magic Find

There's more..
The Dungeons and Dragons event begins Friday 12th April at 8 PM. Early Access Tokens can be found this week in Arcadia..

At 10:00 AM BST Saturday 6th April the server will go offline to implement the event. We will aim to have the server back online at 10:30, however we will keep you updated if there is a delay.

Ty very much. Can i have a personal event. As you close the map for everyone exept me. I can collecting everything for s few hours while all others just can stand and match
hey there andy there is no point in this egg hunt for mid lvl players as all the higher lvls are there pking little unfair just saying

i know u have worked hard on this and nice work just 100% unfair with 140 to 150s pking there
hey there andy there is no point in this egg hunt for mid lvl players as all the higher lvls are there pking little unfair just saying

i know u have worked hard on this and nice work just 100% unfair with 140 to 150s pking there

Plus there (obviously) aren't that many eggs to be found given the amount of people looking for them. Not seen any 'stomping rabbits', just normal ones...
Well on the subject of pking on the island have seen none at all. I was very pleased to not get attacked when on a nice event.
Drops are good though the hardshells... turtles could at east drop items for the mid level players.
On the subject of yesterdays event ie the "Double Supers and Champions" event what happened to that???
Searched maps for hours and no there were not loads of people hunting for them and they did not exist. There was not even the normal reds and blues spawning.
So disappointing. Did you forget to let them out?
Looking forward though..... nice Easter event thoroughly enjoyed last years one, I do hope it is the same this year.
Nope, that's not how it works. If you want to dash through maps and snipe all the supers you will of course be disappointed. They do not spawn independently of other monsters, they are those monsters.

The same way as if you never kill a boss you will never see it spawn as super, if you don't clear a cave then there won't be any supers spawning.

Clear a cave, do the hard work, and the supers will spawn.
Where do we use these tokens? I've found 3 but they have a timer on them which runs out friday.

The massive snake in BW. The event is open 12 hours earlier than announced (8am instead of 8pm) for anyone with an access token.
Hi Andy,
Was asked if an arcamon rare pets will be available during Easter event. Understand that dragons will be for a limited period.
Will there be any to keep permanent?, ie wolf, troll etc..
Best wishes
About Pking, it is hell of annoying being pked by a high leveled player *cough* gideon *cough* ... but that's mir. No point crying over it when there's more eggs to be found.
About Pking, it is hell of annoying being pked by a high leveled player *cough* gideon *cough* ... but that's mir. No point crying over it when there's more eggs to be found.

In games like this there's always going to be some bully victims who get gratification out of turning the tables and having a go at being the bully. Don't give them the opportunity. I reccomend just RT or leave the area if they are near you and feeling frisky. They aren't worth your time or hassle.

- - - Updated - - -

Update: hang on, Gideon actually tried to pk you? You're like 40 levels below him. That says all you need to know about the guy hahaha
In games like this there's always going to be some bully victims who get gratification out of turning the tables and having a go at being the bully. Don't give them the opportunity. I reccomend just RT or leave the area if they are near you and feeling frisky. They aren't worth your time or hassle.

- - - Updated - - -

Update: hang on, Gideon actually tried to pk you? You're like 40 levels below him. That says all you need to know about the guy hahaha

Atleast one of the three Gideons. One are realy nice, i think. But dunno if he play at all atm
So I clear a cave a super spawns and someone else kills it..... just one for a whole map? So because for example no mobs were being killed in Naga Desert no supers or Champions would spawn?