Essences and Designs bulk sale | The Legend of Mir

Essences and Designs bulk sale


Leading Contributor
Need to raise some funds for xmas event! Sick of trying to figure out prices for all these and selling individually, so I'm offering them up in bulk packages to try and clear some storage chars :)

Please don't ask for specifics, if I had time to go through them all I'd just sell them individually and make a lot more, the bulk prices imo are cheap

Package 1: 58 designs, all between level 162 and 172, good mix of 4/5/6/7 stars. Various designs mix of everything except armour/weapon. 1k gg
Package 2: 45 designs, all between level 150 and 161, mostly 4/5 stars with a couple higher. Various designs mix of everything except armour/weapon. 400gg
Package 3: 48 essences, all between level 162 and 169, mostly 4 stars, a few 5 stars. 1k gg
Package 4: 57 essences, all between level 152 and 161, mostly 4/5 stars with a couple higher. 600gg
Need to raise some funds for xmas event! Sick of trying to figure out prices for all these and selling individually, so I'm offering them up in bulk packages to try and clear some storage chars :)

Please don't ask for specifics, if I had time to go through them all I'd just sell them individually and make a lot more, the bulk prices imo are cheap

Package 1: 58 designs, all between level 162 and 172, good mix of 4/5/6/7 stars. Various designs mix of everything except armour/weapon. 1k gg
Package 2: 45 designs, all between level 150 and 161, mostly 4/5 stars with a couple higher. Various designs mix of everything except armour/weapon. 400gg
Package 3: 48 essences, all between level 162 and 169, mostly 4 stars, a few 5 stars. 1k gg
Package 4: 57 essences, all between level 152 and 161, mostly 4/5 stars with a couple higher. 600gg

Seems you have been away for quiet long time. Your better off using all those on normal jewls and get as many artif or close maybe then you can sell them easier. Lots of uni items dropping all over the market is abit iffyy.
Made over 1k gg from selling a few loose ones that I hadn't included in these packs, so that'll keep me going for now, these can gather dust :p
The longer u keep these designs and essences the more useless they become.. i never had any good success from using old ingredients
The longer u keep these designs and essences the more useless they become.. i never had any good success from using old ingredients

That sounds like a myth to me, it makes no sense for GM to secretly include some procedure that makes designs worse based on their age but not include any kind of indication of how old it is. Certainly in all my time I've never heard anyone suggest it before, just seems so massively unlikely. Needless complication, that would destroy the market if it was proven to be true
Its just a hunch.. thats just how i feel.. i had more success using mats that are fresh.. I also try to avoid dropping designs and essences on the floor cause i think it loses its quality.. same as when you drop meat on the floor or the way you kill it effects its quality..
Its just a hunch.. thats just how i feel.. i had more success using mats that are fresh.. I also try to avoid dropping designs and essences on the floor cause i think it loses its quality.. same as when you drop meat on the floor or the way you kill it effects its quality..
