emily's last quest cannot be completed and cannot teleport to other towns | The Legend of Mir

emily's last quest cannot be completed and cannot teleport to other towns

I played one warrior and completed all emily's quests, so I can teleport to other towns by pressing H.
But my taoist can only teleport to border town. I guess it it because I did not complete emily's last quest, killing enough covenants. However, the problem is that I cant complete covenants quest. If I talk with emily, she says that I do not nieed her assistance. So is there a way to fix this? I run to bichon wall and completed farmer's first quest. Does this matter?
The "teleport by pressing H" thing unlocks automatically at level 50, it's nothing to do with any quests. The Emily quest rewards are very low and are only really there to help you learn how the game works. If you're levelling a second character you should be able to get it to level 50 very quickly.

If you're having any trouble getting to level 50 give me a shout in game, I'm usually on my wiz

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Just read Scorp's post about it being level 45, might be right, please let us know which one is right!

What level is your taoist?