Drops | The Legend of Mir



We all argue cos cele guard drops and don’t know what to do with it. Personally I couldn’t give a shit, let me know what guild decides and I’ll pass over. Just remember it’s pixels, nothing more
We all argue cos cele guard drops and don’t know what to do with it. Personally I couldn’t give a shit, let me know what guild decides and I’ll pass over. Just remember it’s pixels, nothing more

These are usual rules in regards a rare drop during “Guild” hunt. It’s followed by most guild but few has there own ways like they follow the seniority system.

If a rare drops it should go to the person or class in the group who doesn’t have it.
If there are more then 1 person who needs that item then those individual will roll for it only.
If no one needs the rare in the group then it should be rolled by every one.
Group can decide if they want to sell and split the share.

If these rules are not followed then it’s simply means greed and mistrust and I wouldn’t risk my reputation over cele item as they are becoming like holy crystal.
Also on this case - Wummy has a cele armour which he gave to DD because he uses his rejuv and doesn’t need cele arm. meaning you guys should roll for it or sell to group member for discount end of story.
Trouble in paradise?

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And dd's an arse, so if he's after it you should keep it Al
I think they decided to give the armour to me Alsiral. No idea why but very nice of them :) Ty in advance
Actually cele arm is mine not wummys lol. Wep is wummy that's why I still have my old 1 in store.

Anyone can have their opinion but let's make this a purely outside view. Say you had a cele and rejuv dropped. You'd want a roll right? You'd love to have both as their useful for different things? Should you have to give up your cele for an equal tiered item? Most would say no.
Also on this case - Wummy has a cele armour which he gave to DD because he uses his rejuv and doesn’t need cele arm. meaning you guys should roll for it or sell to group member for discount end of story.

if you dont know about anything then you should shut up,thats not my celestialguard. why i should use a celeguard F when my rejuv is M,sorry maybe i got GG but not rich enough to swap my gender every day.i got that celestialguard(F) in a lonely night. DD just logged and i grouped him when boss was on 150k. i gave like 3 celestialguards to other in group befor even thinking about it could mine.now when everyone got a celestialguard in group i can have one for me ? or im wrong?
if you dont know about anything then you should shut up,thats not my celestialguard. why i should use a celeguard F when my rejuv is M,sorry maybe i got GG but not rich enough to swap my gender every day.i got that celestialguard(F) in a lonely night. DD just logged and i grouped him when boss was on 150k. i gave like 3 celestialguards to other in group befor even thinking about it could mine.now when everyone got a celestialguard in group i can have one for me ? or im wrong?

Yeah should be yours wummy
All depends on how you want your guild to progress. I have tried different methods over the years. Rolling amongst the class who can use it on the hunt is one option. Selling and splitting another and putting a % in a fund for guild purchase items is another choice. My prefered options is keeping all rares in guild making the guild stronger. On euro we had guild items that where given out to member but remained guild property but times have changed. It doesnt matter what option you take, there'll always be unhappy people. Those are generally the ones who won't stick around in guild long term anyway. Good luck in what you decide.
All depends on how you want your guild to progress. I have tried different methods over the years. Rolling amongst the class who can use it on the hunt is one option. Selling and splitting another and putting a % in a fund for guild purchase items is another choice. My prefered options is keeping all rares in guild making the guild stronger. On euro we had guild items that where given out to member but remained guild property but times have changed. It doesnt matter what option you take, there'll always be unhappy people. Those are generally the ones who won't stick around in guild long term anyway. Good luck in what you decide.

Goes back to what I was saying last night when we got cele drop I actually prefer it when drops are shit, because no matter how good friends you are and how helpful everyone is / wants to be, really good drops will always end up with someone being unhappy. I like hunting just for the pleasure of hunting, my goal is to have a nice organised group hunt to go and achieve something. Luckily we managed to make 1 person very happy last night and everyone else was decent enough to accept it, but that's an increasingly rare experience.
We all argue cos cele guard drops and don’t know what to do with it. Personally I couldn’t give a shit, let me know what guild decides and I’ll pass over. Just remember it’s pixels, nothing more

Delete this fucking post. This is not public conversation.

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Delete this fucking post. This is not public conversation.

Didn’t mean to write ‘fucking’
Delete this fucking post. This is not public conversation.

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Didn’t mean to write ‘fucking’

My autocorrect fucking terrible for that fucking. It just fucking puts fucking in the middle of sentences fucking fucking and I fucking. Fucking fucking fucking fucking.