Drop lags | The Legend of Mir

Drop lags


When you kill a super or champion the drop lags instead of the usual instant drop.
Slight lag also if a mob drops 2 or three items.
Is this deliberate or a bug?
Means drops can be missed quite easily as players kill mobs and move quickly away to next mobs.
This seems pretty intentional. There is a sound that fires for every item that drops: click of a weapon, ding for a gem, bubbling for a pot, etc.

If everything sounded and dropped at the same time, it wouldn't sound right. There has to be a delay for each sound to be distinguishable.

Now the question becomes: do we like it...

I don't mind it. I enjoy the sound cues in game. That's how i find arcamon, usually.
I like idea of gem sound. Maybe a drum roll is needed if you get a rear item. Will be like big Ben... Once a year.. Lol
I like it.
Most times floor is full and you can’t see drop with dead mobs
It’s nice to know if you need to look or not