Dragon arcamon worth it? | The Legend of Mir

Dragon arcamon worth it?



Is the Dragon arcamon any good? What are its pros?
I have a giantworm but I just feed whatever food I get on it.
It has mostly str and int, is this worth it to use a evolution stone on?
I don't have one so can't say for sure. But having spoken to people who do, they are pretty strong but are easily defeated in pvp because anyone wearing a fire guard will take 0 damage from it.

I'm sure some people who actually have dragons will be on here soon enough to give you better facts.

However 1 thing I would say, is anything you plan to use a dragon evo stone on, get your money's worth by making sure it's fed up accurately. Decide what stat you want and focus on that entirely, so you make it as good as it possibly can be. I'd expect INT would be the one to go for in this case.
Compared to yimoogi no. When fireguards was introduced kinda killed dragon. Were as there is no block for yim poison. Making it the better choice.
dragon pet works well in pve but not pvp. fireburn and fall wall very good against ice mobs... overall yim is better pet.
gm need to increase dragons fire area tbh . maybe a skill like cop would be better
If dragon had a true firewall instead of 1 single space it would be viable. I do like stacking yim, dragon dot and slice tho.