diwari or Candle keep going missing after reviving and lag out!! | The Legend of Mir

diwari or Candle keep going missing after reviving and lag out!!


Active Member
Ok second time now.. first i was in RDD (premium cave) got to 4th floor where that Big boss WT is.. i reved then lagged out.. came back on and in town with diwari missing. felt lucky cause i thought i just escaped a big potential lose as i was alone and could have made a big lose if i dropped anything.. now second time, I thought i do a bit of lvling.. came across Bile started killing, got reved then lagged out again... again this time i relog and my flipping diwari is missing again.. whats going on here? GM could you investigate.. character: Gideon


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both occasions my 5gg diwari went missing lol*