Day 4 of unable to play Warrior. | The Legend of Mir

Day 4 of unable to play Warrior.


Active Member
Waiting so long to add more things to the update is unacceptable, it should be hotfixed asap and the rest added later. shutting the server down for an hour early morning should not be a big problem.

Im lucky enough that ive been playing my tao this week, but i really wanted to play my warrior and go boss hunting. That to me is a really shity after the amount of time people invest into warriors. I feel really sorry for those guys that want to level this week, or play the bloody game and not actually been able to, Those that dont have an ALT have been screwed over, with very little details as to when its fixed and very little details of any sort of compenstation in the future. I know players that have donated recently for warrior skills and its bascially like pissing in the wind for them now.

give us a proper update and a proper ETA as to when its fixed, so people can come back to the game. I think we have all noticed how the player count has dropped since patch it was 130-150+ EVERY day ! now mid week its dropping to 60ish, peaking on a weekend, logging in right now its at 116 people on a friday night. 1 week ago it was 160.
Waiting so long to add more things to the update is unacceptable, it should be hotfixed asap and the rest added later. shutting the server down for an hour early morning should not be a big problem.

Im lucky enough that ive been playing my tao this week, but i really wanted to play my warrior and go boss hunting. That to me is a really shity after the amount of time people invest into warriors. I feel really sorry for those guys that want to level this week, or play the bloody game and not actually been able to, Those that dont have an ALT have been screwed over, with very little details as to when its fixed and very little details of any sort of compenstation in the future. I know players that have donated recently for warrior skills and its bascially like pissing in the wind for them now.

give us a proper update and a proper ETA as to when its fixed, so people can come back to the game. I think we have all noticed how the player count has dropped since patch it was 130-150+ EVERY day ! now mid week its dropping to 60ish, peaking on a weekend, logging in right now its at 116 people on a friday night. 1 week ago it was 160.

100% accurate. GM needs to read this thread and act on it.
After spending a bit over 700gg upon returning I feel this so hard. I hope something is done to atleast make up the sub time. Yes warriors are playable but even with 600% hpr I can feel a major difference (also giving up a load of dmg).

I love my war, I've put up with the regression compared to other classes since I've started. Starting to feel like I'm constantly getting kicked in the dick for not maining wiz like I did on p69.
guys/girls the reboot will come when they have fixed all the buggs within the game there is no point fixing 1 bug when they mite have 4 or 5 we dont know about so they will be wanting to fix the all they can before the reboot i know this i a pain in the ass for wars i have one i cant go lvling or bossing but it allways gives you the time to try the wizzy and tao for game play yea i know alot of people have spent so much gg on kit/books but just bear with the GM a little longer there is no point just fixing 1 thing when they can fix 3 or 4 things before a reboot they have there reason for this i know it is 100% unfair on all us war's atm but just bear with the gm they mite end up giveing everyone within the game a weekend of event due to all the probs please dont bug them they will get the reboot asap :)
Could you imagine If a spell broke on WoW. Everyone would get compensated. They would get the subscription time refunded. They would get fixed instantly and I’m sure they would give compensation.

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guys/girls the reboot will come when they have fixed all the buggs within the game there is no point fixing 1 bug when they mite have 4 or 5 we dont know about so they will be wanting to fix the all they can before the reboot i know this i a pain in the ass for wars i have one i cant go lvling or bossing but it allways gives you the time to try the wizzy and tao for game play yea i know alot of people have spent so much gg on kit/books but just bear with the GM a little longer there is no point just fixing 1 thing when they can fix 3 or 4 things before a reboot they have there reason for this i know it is 100% unfair on all us war's atm but just bear with the gm they mite end up giveing everyone within the game a weekend of event due to all the probs please dont bug them they will get the reboot asap :)

Mate pull your fucking head out they’re arses. They take the absolute piss out of the players. Extremely greedy and extremely lazy. Almost zero customer service. Zero after sales care. They really don’t care about the players. They seriously take us for granted.
Could you imagine If a spell broke on WoW. Everyone would get compensated. They would get the subscription time refunded. They would get fixed instantly and I’m sure they would give compensation.

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Mate pull your fucking head out they’re arses. They take the absolute piss out of the players. Extremely greedy and extremely lazy. Almost zero customer service. Zero after sales care. They really don’t care about the players. They seriously take us for granted.

You've never played WoW have you?

I played the game solidly since 2009 and there have been broken spells / classes / raids / dungeons. No one got compensated. No sub time refunded nothing. I get your frustrated but I found it too funny to not answer when you tried to compare one of the biggest MMORPG in the world to this server.

I would say in regards of customer care this game does a lot more than the big games. Fallout 76 for example every forum post pretty much is screaming and begging for something to be done about hackers. Heroes of the Storm every post begs the game developers for minor fixes. I've seen what must be thousands of WoW forum posts begging for something to be done about pvp ect. Now you might think I'm just going totally off topic here but the one difference between this forum and all of those? None of those huge games bother to answer or talk to their player base, whereas here yes it might not be every single post but at least you do get some answers, and isn't that better then total silence across the board like what happens with the big games?
I've lost a lot of love for playing my warrior now.....genuinely believe they used to be the best class to play but they way they're currently set up on this server they're the worst!

it seems everyone who mainly plays other classes fight so hard to stop any changed/improvements to warriors so they have the upper hand.... all classes have their pros/cons and balances have always changed over the years yet it seems to me and many others that warriors a being left behind! This current bug (i know its not intentional and will be fixed soon enough) unfortunately for me is the final straw. Unless there is in improvement to help balance they game such as bloodlust working with frost/fire frenzy (at a reduced rate or for only 1 targetted mob or whatever) i cant see me carrying on.

As was posted above server count has taken a hit over the last week and it shows how quickly and easily numbers can drop.... i just hope things can be fixed before people give up.
Any update on when the patch might be coming ? was really hoping it would be sorted for the weekend
Forgive me father for I have sinned it has been 1 week since I could last play my warr

I'm back at work now & when I do have time I have no interest to touch it when its not working properly :(
Day 5, still waiting.

I've decided to take the most valuable of my kit and throw it on AH as not being able to play my class properly for a week is insane. Only perks of playing a war is I have enough to kit up both a wiz and tao GG wise.
The only viable work around that makes solo grinding acceptable I've found is to buy the hp recovery candles from the gg store with a full icekit. I enjoy supporting the game and the work that gets done to continue development but it doesn't feel so great under these circumstances.
yeah i have been running the HP candles also to lvl but its getting old considering its been several days and throwing away almost 50 GG already just to be able to hunt a cave that is your appropriate lvl to even see your exp bar move. I can see both sides of wanting to wait and upload everything at once and be a one and done scenario, but the other hand you got a class that is completely screwed unless there willing to purchase something extra to even be able to hunt. To me 1 or 2 days no big deal wait it out, but were getting close to a week which considering the fix is already done starts to become a problem. could of done a small update already with the fix and waited several days to do the other one that i still haven't seen what there actually fixing so it must not of been that big of a problem at least not to the amount of people that are having problems with the wars. And all the other servers i been on they updated and restarted weekly is that not a thing anymore? so what if the game is down for a hour. to me the game is literally been down for 5 days straight and i just been playing at a subpar standard. Just my opinion
✓ Bloodlust is now draining HP to the player correctly
✓ Frost Frenzy Damage increased by 10%
✓ Increased the range of Luring Cry, reduced its cooldown
✓ Increased the damage output of Halfmoon
✓ Increased the damage output of Crosshalfmoon, added Dark damage
✓ Lion Roar will paralyse monsters for up to 3 seconds (player level dependent)
✓ Changed SamuraiTraining and Swordsmanship to both give Acc + 12, Agil + 14

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Now that is the response we needed! GREAT change! shall be testing it all out soon as update is done. Thank you very much.
✓ Bloodlust is now draining HP to the player correctly
✓ Frost Frenzy Damage increased by 10%
✓ Increased the range of Luring Cry, reduced its cooldown
✓ Increased the damage output of Halfmoon
✓ Increased the damage output of Crosshalfmoon, added Dark damage
✓ Lion Roar will paralyse monsters for up to 3 seconds (player level dependent)
✓ Changed SamuraiTraining and Swordsmanship to both give Acc + 12, Agil + 14

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Now that is the response we needed! GREAT change! shall be testing it all out soon as update is done. Thank you very much.

Wow warriors OP :( Wiz need to moan more then we can get buffs too :)
if 1 slight thing i would have added bloodlust proc on Crosshalfmoon/FF/Fire/Frenzy (not all mobs but the main target) as alot of warriors been calling out for that, other than that small changes go along way.

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Wow warriors OP :( Wiz need to moan more then we can get buffs too :)

wouldnt say OP just more intune with tao/wiz ? although the Lion roar Change MIGHT be abit much but we shall see if damage breaks the para.