DarkStyle stole my celestiSlayer | The Legend of Mir

DarkStyle stole my celestiSlayer

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whos GM come on Via my acccount and bk items for DarkStyke .. he just stole my cele Slayer and HCA in her Wizard lilani2 ..why not bk it for me .. wtf .. all ppl know Darkstyle stole me why not bk my itms tooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo wtffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff


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whos GM come on Via my acccount and bk items for DarkStyke .. he just stole my cele Slayer and HCA in her Wizard lilani2 ..why not bk it for me .. wtf .. all ppl know Darkstyle stole me why not bk my itms tooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo wtffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff

and b4 fking Darkstyle said i pass to him .. wht the fuck deffint if he turst me and game me pw .. and i gave him itmes its same thing .. we was fking share and he fking thifer .. and i need my fking itmssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
Can someone translate the above into "Understandable" please

Fk knows what he’s talking sounds like angry Romanian jiberish to me , something about DS stealing his Celes slayer . But I think via cleared out DS Tao so both as bad as each other. Just stop the winging don’t think the GM gives a fuck . Both as bad as each other . It’s boring now .
If I translated this correctly..

He shares his account with DarkStyle and lost shit now he's mad..

Wtf is with all these crying account sharers. Why aren't they playing their own characters?? I don't understand why is everyone account sharing at the top end inner circle of player's.
100% of cases where people get "hacked" or items "stolen" is because that person willingly gave out their details to someone else. There's been a ton of it lately and it could all be stopped very quickly and easily if people just learned to play the game. It's so fucking simple, make a char, level it, kill bosses. There's zero legitimate reason to share chars, period.
Given the way they type I'm starting to think there is no account sharing going on at all and all of this has just been a troll.
Fk knows what he’s talking sounds like angry Romanian jiberish to me , something about DS stealing his Celes slayer . But I think via cleared out DS Tao so both as bad as each other. Just stop the winging don’t think the GM gives a fuck . Both as bad as each other . It’s boring now .

im not steal tao ..its fking noob tao with shit items not worth collct that kit from ground .. i do that cos he stole my cele slayer .. but some GM com on my char and bk items for DS .. and not bk my cele slayer .. wtf server..
DarkStayel just controul on server .. he stole (Shifted) b4 and now me and he just do what he like ..
if he got back her items why not bk to me celeSlayer to .. he also steal my HCA for her wizard lilani2 ..

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i turst DarkStyle and gave him my celestiSlayer and he not bk .. and when i do same on her fking tao he got bk her items ..WTF how server going like that .. i need my items to .. or its all about money no ruls
im not steal tao ..its fking noob tao with shit items not worth collct that kit from ground .. i do that cos he stole my cele slayer .. but some GM com on my char and bk items for DS .. and not bk my cele slayer .. wtf server..
DarkStayel just controul on server .. he stole (Shifted) b4 and now me and he just do what he like ..
if he got back her items why not bk to me celeSlayer to .. he also steal my HCA for her wizard lilani2 ..

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i turst DarkStyle and gave him my celestiSlayer and he not bk .. and when i do same on her fking tao he got bk her items ..WTF how server going like that .. i need my items to .. or its all about money no ruls

You know full well that’s not what happened. You felt bad for for DS losing his wep so you bought off Nerd and gave back to him....... it’s the only plausible explanation UNLESS you have broken the golden rule of Mir and shared your account details
It always amuses me how this is anything of my fault. You want to talk about money and rules? Let's talk about your ban for stealing a guys gear
Lol via banned ??

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Are all these guys getting perma banned for stealing accounts or kits? I hope so :)
No, hes not getting banned but he should really stop throwing stones in his glass house.

I am really disappointed at the moment, I think some people really need to grow up, stop bickering like children and take ownership of their own problems.

I feel like a teacher pissed off by his class :cower:
No, hes not getting banned but he should really stop throwing stones in his glass house.

I am really disappointed at the moment, I think some people really need to grow up, stop bickering like children and take ownership of their own problems.

I feel like a teacher pissed off by his class :cower:

It does seem to be becoming that way . Like a school playground . ��
so wil not bk my items .. like u bk her items !!!

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talk about bann me !! DS break all rules and u say im look like kids !! he stole Shifted b4 and now me lol irl
so wil not bk my items .. like u bk her items !!!

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talk about bann me !! DS break all rules and u say im look like kids !! he stole Shifted b4 and now me lol irl

Well as ur not banned maybe you can spend all the cash you make from this game on an English dictionary?
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