Dark damage | The Legend of Mir

Dark damage

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Since tdb is now pretty useless dark damage is pretty redundant. Don’t use it for lvling don’t use it for ok. Can u please add a option for drilling stones out of items please because in my opinion dark damage is now de-valueing items
Tdb been changed?

ts just odd, TDB used to be strong, now ive noticed its not even that good, i mean firethrust doesnt even cut through anything and does pretty much is the same as TDB but costs 2 MP not 20.... seems like a complete waste as i originally went DD for Consistency, it was good for bossing good for pk, it wasnt stupidly OP, fire damage used to be your burst damage and then u have fire frenzy/thrust which done sufficient damage....

still going to see what i can do when i completely max my kit and hope TDB atleast is somewhat useful, doesnt even cut through defence
Need to build ignore target defence,

Just like a wizz needs to build defence to be useful, you now have to build something other than flat dark damage, pa or dc in order to deliver the damage.

Basicly your asking for tdb to ignore shield on a wiz with a base hp of 2,000 health points?

So asking to 1 hit any wiz not using a pro?

Tdb changed last year, a damage reduction of about 15% if I remember correctly. Could be wrong about the actual reduction, but it was when ibby was boasting about how op it was.

I always thought tdb just ignored ac/amc. But hey I know nothing I just play the game.
Need to build ignore target defence,

Just like a wizz needs to build defence to be useful, you now have to build something other than flat dark damage, pa or dc in order to deliver the damage.

Basicly your asking for tdb to ignore shield on a wiz with a base hp of 2,000 health points?

So asking to 1 hit any wiz not using a pro?

Tdb changed last year, a damage reduction of about 15% if I remember correctly. Could be wrong about the actual reduction, but it was when ibby was boasting about how op it was.

I always thought tdb just ignored ac/amc. But hey I know nothing I just play the game.

Yeah erm it’s not worth at all, 0.5% stones you can’t stack enough. No I’m not asking it to ignore the full shield rofl, it’s always cut through wizzies shield on Mir didn’t realise its ac/amc on here.

Also everything was too overpowered back then, but I think Tdb needs a slight buff..

If I was to stack ignore in my whole kit I’d only get 14% ignore target defence... which is completely useless..... whereas a wiz gets 60% BASE PDR it just wont work, only way it would be some what useful if u get 2% on every item even still that’s only 34% total....... it won’t work half the time lol
I am pretty sure it has always been coded with 80% Ignore Target Defence on Arcadia. Ignore Target Defence procs before Physical Damage Reduction. Didn't it have a cast delay on euro? Here, not only can you cast it each hit but you can turn it on and off. Personally I always thought it was an OP skill but it seems to work out.

The only recent changed to TDB were to make the stun last longer.

Comparing TDB to Fire thrust is a bit crazy, both completely different and can be used in different placed. Based upon the target and your stats. The problem with Arcadia for pvp "balance" is that there's far too much availability for customisation.

I don't think I will ever add an option to remove sockets from items. It would make it too easy to concentrate power
I am pretty sure it has always been coded with 80% Ignore Target Defence on Arcadia. Ignore Target Defence procs before Physical Damage Reduction. Didn't it have a cast delay on euro? Here, not only can you cast it each hit but you can turn it on and off. Personally I always thought it was an OP skill but it seems to work out.

The only recent changed to TDB were to make the stun last longer.

Comparing TDB to Fire thrust is a bit crazy, both completely different and can be used in different placed. Based upon the target and your stats. The problem with Arcadia for pvp "balance" is that there's far too much availability for customisation.

I don't think I will ever add an option to remove sockets from items. It would make it too easy to concentrate power

I think if it actually was “Ignore Target Defence” wouldn’t have an issue cutting through shield, but I think it’s just AC AMC on here, thanks for reaponse
I think if it actually was “Ignore Target Defence” wouldn’t have an issue cutting through shield, but I think it’s just AC AMC on here, thanks for reaponse

As i said, it's Ignore Target Defence then Physical Damage Reduction. Shield is a Physical Damage Reduction skill.
As i said, it's Ignore Target Defence then Physical Damage Reduction. Shield is a Physical Damage Reduction skill.

So wait, if I was to stack ignore target defence through stones it won’t work against shield? Just to clarify
Example in numbers for people to understand clearer...

Warrior with TDB that has 2000 power (according to skill bar)
Wizard with 400 AC and shield

Attack power 2000
Defence power 400
TDB makes 80% reduction on target AC, making it 80, difference is now 2000-80 which is 1920
Then shield reduces physical damage by 60%
So actual damage landed is 768

Increasing ignore target defence by 10% would effectively make the TDB reduction 90% instead of 80%, which only increases total damage by 40 in that example. Then it will be further reduced by shield so actual increase in damage wound only be 16!

So yeah, bottom line is, don't bother with ignore target defence if planning to use it with TDB against a wiz. It has its uses, but that's another story for another day.
I am pretty sure it has always been coded with 80% Ignore Target Defence on Arcadia. Ignore Target Defence procs before Physical Damage Reduction. Didn't it have a cast delay on euro? Here, not only can you cast it each hit but you can turn it on and off. Personally I always thought it was an OP skill but it seems to work out.

The only recent changed to TDB were to make the stun last longer.

Comparing TDB to Fire thrust is a bit crazy, both completely different and can be used in different placed. Based upon the target and your stats. The problem with Arcadia for pvp "balance" is that there's far too much availability for customisation.

I don't think I will ever add an option to remove sockets from items. It would make it too easy to concentrate power

What about if it was costly? Let’s say 25mill (75gg) to drill one socket out. You don’t get the stone back it disappears.

- - - Updated - - -

Decided from this I Just wont aim for dark damage anymore.

- - - Updated - - -

Just seems a shame that some people aren’t 100% sure on how to build a kit and we make items that we later regret. Them items become worth not much at all. Just the other week I saw a holy crystal brace being sold with holy stones in it. It was being sold for circa 50% less than a fresh bracelet would be. So many people would have bought this and recycled it into a item they could use if the socket drilling facility was a thing.
People still crying cos wizs are playing the game and stacking up defence stats so we cant die in 2 hits ahhh jesus best change something to cater for the ones who wont adapt there play style.

The fact you can see someones full stats makes adapting to pvp so much easier yet some people cant use common sense to figure it out ��
People still crying cos wizs are playing the game and stacking up defence stats so we cant die in 2 hits ahhh jesus best change something to cater for the ones who wont adapt there play style.

The fact you can see someones full stats makes adapting to pvp so much easier yet some people cant use common sense to figure it out ��

New skills, slight adjustments here or there, they all add up and in return things are extremely dynamic in a continuously developing server like this one.
Feedback is feedback and albeit negative or 'crying' it can all be deemed as a positive thing for the server.
The day people stop giving feedback is the day people no longer care for the game, a very sad day.
More players, more feedback, more changes, more interest, more GameGold purchased. :)
What about if it was costly? Let’s say 25mill (75gg) to drill one socket out. You don’t get the stone back it disappears.

- - - Updated - - -

Decided from this I Just wont aim for dark damage anymore.

- - - Updated - - -

Just seems a shame that some people aren’t 100% sure on how to build a kit and we make items that we later regret. Them items become worth not much at all. Just the other week I saw a holy crystal brace being sold with holy stones in it. It was being sold for circa 50% less than a fresh bracelet would be. So many people would have bought this and recycled it into a item they could use if the socket drilling facility was a thing.

Mir is not a skillful game, it is a smart game. You must design your kit for the occasion. If you were playing chess, it would be great to know how to 100% win, but that's not the game. You will indeed make decisions you later regret. I do my best to arm people with the information.
As scorpion has even said people need to change there playstyles as well before just giving feedback when clearly they have not tried anything else other that the usual stack high attack stats and use three skills tdb/bs/fs
As scorpion has even said people need to change there playstyles as well before just giving feedback when clearly they have not tried anything else other that the usual stack high attack stats and use three skills tdb/bs/fs

Why would someone not give feedback after trying one thing and before trying another?
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