Current game mouse | The Legend of Mir

Current game mouse


Active Member
It’s kinda annoying, blends in with the screen at times due to certain maps end up losing your cursor, and the attack cursor on enemies you can’t target properly it’s kinda silly...

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It’s kinda annoying, blends in with the screen at times due to certain maps end up losing your cursor, and the attack cursor on enemies you can’t target properly it’s kinda silly...

Do agree a bit but got use to it now can scorpion explain if he changed it for a technical reason?
I've never noticed any problem. Can you tell us what maps it is a problem on or post a screenshot?
e.g. mountain map, was pking lost track it blends in lol and the actual targetting isnt right, when u aim with the sword cursor its fucked.
It's perfect on the tip. You must be looking at it wrong? :nevreness:

It was indeed kind of a technical fix but also these are the standard cursors for Mir!