Crafting | The Legend of Mir



Im not expecting a Full insight as to the changes youve made to the crafting capabilities however ive got a few concerns.

I've ID'd 15 level 133+ items with both 90k and 900k scrolls, and every single one has been unique, i thought it was bad luck, but ive asked around and others are having the same issue.

I tried to craft 3 items today, within the 3 levels guideline ive had experience doing before the change and now that isnt even working.

( E.g design 3 levels lower then item made up with essence 3 levels above etc etc )

Can you look into this as it seems seriously messed up, especcialy with ID'ing items.

Im not expecting a Full insight as to the changes youve made to the crafting capabilities however ive got a few concerns.

I've ID'd 15 level 133+ items with both 90k and 900k scrolls, and every single one has been unique, i thought it was bad luck, but ive asked around and others are having the same issue.

I tried to craft 3 items today, within the 3 levels guideline ive had experience doing before the change and now that isnt even working.

( E.g design 3 levels lower then item made up with essence 3 levels above etc etc )

Can you look into this as it seems seriously messed up, especcialy with ID'ing items.

Sounds like you've been given bad advice tbh
Sounds like you've been given bad advice tbh

What are you talking about,

I see you posting a lot around the forum, and nine times out of ten your comments really do elude the point of most topics.

If you're refering to my comment in the Brackets, that is from experience, No advise given.

Thanks for the useful input.
What are you talking about,

I see you posting a lot around the forum, and nine times out of ten your comments really do elude the point of most topics.

If you're refering to my comment in the Brackets, that is from experience, No advise given.

Thanks for the useful input.

Oh give over...

Im not expecting a Full insight as to the changes youve made to the crafting capabilities however ive got a few concerns.

I've ID'd 15 level 133+ items with both 90k and 900k scrolls, and every single one has been unique, i thought it was bad luck, but ive asked around and others are having the same issue.

I tried to craft 3 items today, within the 3 levels guideline ive had experience doing before the change and now that isnt even working.

( E.g design 3 levels lower then item made up with essence 3 levels above etc etc )

Can you look into this as it seems seriously messed up, especcialy with ID'ing items.

Well I have to say thought I would try redesigning out since u updated , both times I used a 6 star design and a 5 star ess and both with 900k scroll . Both items came out 2 star. Not wasting anymore in crafting as that's bollox
Oh give over...

Any explanation of what youre on about ?

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Well I have to say thought I would try redesigning out since u updated , both times I used a 6 star design and a 5 star ess and both with 900k scroll . Both items came out 2 star. Not wasting anymore in crafting as that's bollox

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Exactly the same, Waste of materials, Money and effort for Superior/Unique to be the outcome on all ID'd items/ Newly crafted items.
Any explanation of what youre on about ?

If you don't understand what you've done wrong, then read your own posts and have a think. I help a massive amount of people and I think I've gone above and beyond more than almost anyone else on this forum, but I prioritise my assistance for those who help themselves. So far you've been here five minutes and as far as I can tell respond with cheek and a stinking attitude to anyone who responds to you in a way that doesn't fit your taste.

I was in a hurry and simply replied with a very short response, which I maintain is absolutely accurate, and relevant, albeit lacking in some further information which I or someone else could have filled in at a later time.

Instead of simply following on from the comment and seeking clarification, you decided to go off on a tangent, without a hint of irony, about how 90% of my posts aren't relevant.

I see you posting a lot around the forum, and nine times out of ten your comments really do elude the point of most topics.

If you make a statement like that you should be able to back it up, I'd be very surprised if you've even read 1% of my posts

What's your character name?
My advice, do not ID items until its sorted. I killed a champ outside of leoric today, bag full of red items. using 90k scrolls i would say 90% of the items were 2 stars or below. 3 items were epic thats it.

Me thinking it was just bad luck didnt think anything of it, so i carried on hunting and IDing items. 99% of the time 2 star or below. same with the items in my store prepatch.

so its either scrolls screwed up, or crafting in general.
If you don't understand what you've done wrong, then read your own posts and have a think. I help a massive amount of people and I think I've gone above and beyond more than almost anyone else on this forum, but I prioritise my assistance for those who help themselves. So far you've been here five minutes and as far as I can tell respond with cheek and a stinking attitude to anyone who responds to you in a way that doesn't fit your taste.

I was in a hurry and simply replied with a very short response, which I maintain is absolutely accurate, and relevant, albeit lacking in some further information which I or someone else could have filled in at a later time.

Instead of simply following on from the comment and seeking clarification, you decided to go off on a tangent, without a hint of irony, about how 90% of my posts aren't relevant.

If you make a statement like that you should be able to back it up, I'd be very surprised if you've even read 1% of my posts

What's your character name?

Not really fussed regards to what youre tryna prove mate but whatever makes you feel better.

Speaking of tangents....


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3 lvl guideline? It’s rude not to share the joint man! Pass it round

Puff puff pass

Im not expecting a Full insight as to the changes youve made to the crafting capabilities however ive got a few concerns.

I've ID'd 15 level 133+ items with both 90k and 900k scrolls, and every single one has been unique, i thought it was bad luck, but ive asked around and others are having the same issue.

I tried to craft 3 items today, within the 3 levels guideline ive had experience doing before the change and now that isnt even working.

( E.g design 3 levels lower then item made up with essence 3 levels above etc etc )

Can you look into this as it seems seriously messed up, especcialy with ID'ing items.

thing has 100% gone wrong with crafting and uni items. Andy has always probably underestimated what he’s changed. Better to have a fuck ton of two star items enter the game than a fuck Ton of artifact items/designs/essences. I’m sure it will be quietly fixed over next few months.
I managed to upgrade my evil Mir slayer 4 times yesterday and it went red 4 times and come out white 3 times.
can someone message him and let him know ? I don't really fancy making store characters for my unid drops until it's fixed.
Idk who you've been talking to amel but using anything under the base level will result in shitty results. I always go +3/5 levels with rss and Des. Typically under 1.2 combined slag. I unid at 5 stars at the least. Over time you will figure out what works, rolling is often times unreliable for stats but everything else is math really.
Every item I have on my main was self rolled. You know me in-game aswell. I've been gone about a month and did bosses the other night. 15 red rolls 2 were exceptional the rest 1-3 stars.

Anyone else having this problem? I just Id'ed over 200 items with scroll of knowledge and tallied up the results. Half were on the server before update and half after. Results are pretty much indistinguishable. 100% magic find each time..
Anyone else having this problem? I just Id'ed over 200 items with scroll of knowledge and tallied up the results. Half were on the server before update and half after. Results are pretty much indistinguishable. 100% magic find each time..

I find no issue!! It’s game of random and luck that simple!! Please don’t change anything.
Anyone else having this problem? I just Id'ed over 200 items with scroll of knowledge and tallied up the results. Half were on the server before update and half after. Results are pretty much indistinguishable. 100% magic find each time..

I've tried a couple of crafts with a minimum of 5 star ess/des and the quality/purity at least +10 over the item level I was crafting with slag/fade less than 0.4%. The results were 2 & 4 star items with barely any extra stats. Whether the issue lies in the final scrolling (I used the 900k ones) I don't know but the results seem worse than before the update.
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Anyone else having this problem? I just Id'ed over 200 items with scroll of knowledge and tallied up the results. Half were on the server before update and half after. Results are pretty much indistinguishable. 100% magic find each time..

can you please do the same with scroll of wisdom?

And when you say indistinguishable, what were the results? if most are 2 star like people have been getting that's a big change to what we are used to. the main problem is people are using high quality materials, so they use the best scroll too. this should not result in 2 star items or in my cause the item returned to normal with no added stats at all. (wasn't a failed craft either).

The patch said it was making it easier , it's made it really bad instead :(
its like 90% of my iding has been grey items since the patch hit, I remember seeing it once or twice before the patch and thinking how odd it was but now that has become the new standard.
can you please do the same with scroll of wisdom?

And when you say indistinguishable, what were the results? if most are 2 star like people have been getting that's a big change to what we are used to. the main problem is people are using high quality materials, so they use the best scroll too. this should not result in 2 star items or in my cause the item returned to normal with no added stats at all. (wasn't a failed craft either).

The patch said it was making it easier , it's made it really bad instead :(

It was 60% 4 star or higher both times. Were any of you at the soft cap before? Ie in receipt of the Magic Find buff?
It was 60% 4 star or higher both times. Were any of you at the soft cap before? Ie in receipt of the Magic Find buff?

none of my chars are nowhere near the cap unfortunately.

Darkstyle i assume does have it and going by his posts above also having the same problem