Cosmetic Ideas - Just for Fun | The Legend of Mir

Cosmetic Ideas - Just for Fun

Just been sitting having a think about anything cosmetic I would love to see. This is not a request just a thread to see if anyone else has thoughts on cosmetic changes that would be fun to see.

The one that springs to mind for me is an "Illusion Stone" for Arcamon. This would essentially be retaining the pets stats and abilities but make them look like the previous evolution.

For example, the ThunderZuma running around with its abilities, but looks like a sheep. Or a TreeStump with the powers of the Ent.

Just something I would find amusing.

Anyone else with any cosmetic type thoughts?
Quite a fun idea, great to see people actually enjoying the game instead of just moaning about something :D

Another thought along the same lines would maybe be something like a torch (the 5gg torches in game shop) called Magic Mirror that gives you the appearance of wearing a different armour or weapon (or both). Purely for posing and/or confusing people in pvp situations, wouldn't have any effect on your actual stats.
I would love a clone spell that creates a carbon copy (or multiple) of my char to confuse PK players as to which is the real one
A novelty event armour that drops from rare mobs i think would be cool xmas - santa , halloween a reaper or skeleton , and easter a bunny or just a egg lol
A novelty event armour that drops from rare mobs i think would be cool xmas - santa , halloween a reaper or skeleton , and easter a bunny or just a egg lol

Refresh mystery cave with all the classics plus seasonal extras. But make them all like level 130 or something to wear otherwise you just end up with a ridiculous town full of santa store chars
A costume shop would be very cool, maybe replace the mount thing for an armour slot and whatever is in that is what you look like? I’d probs go old school and wear Heaven armour haha
A costume shop would be very cool, maybe replace the mount thing for an armour slot and whatever is in that is what you look like? I’d probs go old school and wear Heaven armour haha

I have a heaven blade in store it's like lvl 60 or something but still my fave weapon
Great ideas, I will have a think about them

We had this duscussion before long time ago in another thread. That time GM answer was it wont happend couse of the possibioity of ppl put on like medium armour and fool ppl they low lvl then pk "etc"