Clearing to hero ring upgrade | The Legend of Mir

Clearing to hero ring upgrade


Active Member
Hi there used to be a npc in mudwall either on trader or storage box you could use 10 normal rings to get one hero ring. Where has this been moved to or has it been removed. I know some low bosses drop it.
Hi there used to be a npc in mudwall either on trader or storage box you could use 10 normal rings to get one hero ring. Where has this been moved to or has it been removed. I know some low bosses drop it.

You're absolutely right! It used to be the storage guy who would do it for you, they ninja'd that out of game didn't they! I think if you kill WoomataurusKing and ZumataurusKing they do drop the hero para/pro/clear rings regularly.
I agree with Child on this one, hunt a hero version, I reckon you could 3-4 in an hour and they will drop red as well,