Christmas list | The Legend of Mir

Christmas list

Marbles no good ? :concern:

They’re awesome but they normally expire before I can collect 3 of each there’s so many different ones. When I do make them ultra orbs they have no effect lol. Id much rather get all the other stats on my items added up. Ac amc agil endurance etc. Even normal orbs! Don’t even have to be pures.

Corrrrrr imagine a lunar event where gem drops changed to orbs for the 28 hrs. Phwoooarrrrrrrr
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Regarding the complaints of low rune drops at Halloween - was that a satisfied complaint by the end or not? Also what are rune prices looking at at the moment?
Definitely wouldn't want more runes to drop than Halloween, you got a decent amount if you put the time in and the prices are now half of what they used to be...

Wouldn't want any less though!
You are having a laugh?

My warr "needs" the following ;

3 x XL HP runes (1 XL I got from Halloween event) to Health my HCA braces
15 (odd) L Bravery or PA runes to do my slayer and other kit.

That is to socket the kit I currently wear, no spare for the future.

At the mo, XL HP rune are 426gg each (minimum), Bravery are 500gg each and PA runes are not in AH.

Just going with the HP and Bravery runes that's 1,278 gg + 7,500 gg.

So, 9k gg (or thereabouts) just to socket my current kit.

Gonna go DD on my armour so its gonna be a bit less than it could be but on what planet is 9k (ish) gg acceptable?

From Halloween I got 1 x XL HP and 1 x L SC (for my Tao). I lived in that event map (the best I could, I have family and a job), and as a consequence did several levels and got some lovely drops, but that aint what we are talking about.

Either runes can stay stupidly priced, but once a year there is a proper event where a shed load drop or they drop a damn sight more than they do and it doesn't matter about what does or doesn't drop in event.

Scorp has made it clear that we will not be able to remove runes from sockets, I would like to take this opportunity to state I aint spending £600 on gg for runes... (and I have donated in the past).

Not a rant at you Dall, just a rant at how things are, why I was fed up after the Halloween event and how I view the price of some of the things on this server.

Some peeps may have had a load of runes drop during Halloween, maybe I was just unlucky. However, prices are no where near indicative of there being too many dropping or too many dropped from Halloween.

Christmas is an excellent time for a 'rune fest' and to give all a chance to socket their kit (kit that they will probably out level quite quickly).
You are having a laugh?

My warr "needs" the following ;

3 x XL HP runes (1 XL I got from Halloween event) to Health my HCA braces
15 (odd) L Bravery or PA runes to do my slayer and other kit.

That is to socket the kit I currently wear, no spare for the future.

At the mo, XL HP rune are 426gg each (minimum), Bravery are 500gg each and PA runes are not in AH.

Just going with the HP and Bravery runes that's 1,278 gg + 7,500 gg.

So, 9k gg (or thereabouts) just to socket my current kit.

Gonna go DD on my armour so its gonna be a bit less than it could be but on what planet is 9k (ish) gg acceptable?

From Halloween I got 1 x XL HP and 1 x L SC (for my Tao). I lived in that event map (the best I could, I have family and a job), and as a consequence did several levels and got some lovely drops, but that aint what we are talking about.

Either runes can stay stupidly priced, but once a year there is a proper event where a shed load drop or they drop a damn sight more than they do and it doesn't matter about what does or doesn't drop in event.

Scorp has made it clear that we will not be able to remove runes from sockets, I would like to take this opportunity to state I aint spending £600 on gg for runes... (and I have donated in the past).

Not a rant at you Dall, just a rant at how things are, why I was fed up after the Halloween event and how I view the price of some of the things on this server.

Some peeps may have had a load of runes drop during Halloween, maybe I was just unlucky. However, prices are no where near indicative of there being too many dropping or too many dropped from Halloween.

Christmas is an excellent time for a 'rune fest' and to give all a chance to socket their kit (kit that they will probably out level quite quickly).

I think this is indicitave of (and I'm guilty of the same thing) the belief that you need everything fully socketed.

If all your kit is fully socketed and orbed, then that should be the absolute top/best position to be at in the game, not something that everyone can achieve. Yes it's massively expensive, but it's meant to be, these are properly end-game situations. Rather than making them more common, content should be geared towards people not actually needing these things in order to progress through the game, which is kinda the case now already, especially since things like holy crystal items are massively cheaper than they used to be.

If these runes are more common such that everyone can have them, then why bother having them in the game at all, just remove them and increase base stats of all items to suit.

Don't mean to sound confrontational, my apologies if I do, just expressing my opinion on the matter
I think this is indicitave of (and I'm guilty of the same thing) the belief that you need everything fully socketed.

If all your kit is fully socketed and orbed, then that should be the absolute top/best position to be at in the game, not something that everyone can achieve. Yes it's massively expensive, but it's meant to be, these are properly end-game situations. Rather than making them more common, content should be geared towards people not actually needing these things in order to progress through the game, which is kinda the case now already, especially since things like holy crystal items are massively cheaper than they used to be.

If these runes are more common such that everyone can have them, then why bother having them in the game at all, just remove them and increase base stats of all items to suit.

Don't mean to sound confrontational, my apologies if I do, just expressing my opinion on the matter

If there is a hole, I want to fill it :)

But seriously, I do see your point of view. Trouble is, I am not socketing end game items (celestial?)

Yep, Holy Crystal items are much cheaper but without runes they aint as good as they can be, plus they aint, well, end game items :)

Besides, end game is only for as long as Scorp wants it to be. Pretty soon, HCA will be tier 3 - better than shop but nowhere near the best.

I don't play this game to be the best, I don't have the time, talent or money. But I do want to be in the running.

As such, I want the kit I wear to be as good as it can be. Empty sockets are quite depressing, particularly when the reason that they are not full is down to cash.
I think this is indicitave of (and I'm guilty of the same thing) the belief that you need everything fully socketed.

If all your kit is fully socketed and orbed, then that should be the absolute top/best position to be at in the game, not something that everyone can achieve. Yes it's massively expensive, but it's meant to be, these are properly end-game situations. Rather than making them more common, content should be geared towards people not actually needing these things in order to progress through the game, which is kinda the case now already, especially since things like holy crystal items are massively cheaper than they used to be.

If these runes are more common such that everyone can have them, then why bother having them in the game at all, just remove them and increase base stats of all items to suit.

Don't mean to sound confrontational, my apologies if I do, just expressing my opinion on the matter

Bud, this is a game, everything should be achievable if you put in the effort. You will remember me you and two others pooled all our resources a few months ago in order to create one full hp kit, this took us months (4months?) of buying up runes as well as hunting like crazy everyday or every other day for them, I know you like a grind but that was fucking stupid thinking back on it.

There is a reality to arcadia right now more noticeably for warriors that if you want to max your end game kit you MUST donate like fuck for the runes, that's not a fun experience.

For me personally when I started arc there was a couple of events where I went hell for leather and was able to fully rune my current kit as well as have two or 3 of everything I use in reserve for my next upgrade that was great! I know If im running around for a year as one of the highest level in my class I expect to have all my best kit runed, not lieing in store as my old runed kit is better, I donated regular and hunted like fuck the mobs that drop these runes but that was my reality and a major factor in my losing interest.
Regarding the complaints of low rune drops at Halloween - was that a satisfied complaint by the end or not? Also what are rune prices looking at at the moment?

Health runes have dropped to a reasonable price of 450gg. Fury runes still demand 600+
Dc 10 at 450ish.
Mc sc10 are cheap
Sai and Mai are cheap

- - - Updated - - -

Orbs are just as important as runes tho added on kit so orbs would be freakin awesome
If there is a hole, I want to fill it :)

But seriously, I do see your point of view. Trouble is, I am not socketing end game items (celestial?)

Yep, Holy Crystal items are much cheaper but without runes they aint as good as they can be, plus they aint, well, end game items :)

Besides, end game is only for as long as Scorp wants it to be. Pretty soon, HCA will be tier 3 - better than shop but nowhere near the best.

I don't play this game to be the best, I don't have the time, talent or money. But I do want to be in the running.

As such, I want the kit I wear to be as good as it can be. Empty sockets are quite depressing, particularly when the reason that they are not full is down to cash.

Honestly all you need to is lower your expectations and listen to advice of more experience players, u say your not using end game kit but ur putting end game runes on it. This imo is where your going wrong and it’s causing you frustration.

Use dc 8 and pa 0.8’s.

You say you need 15 L. If you had all 15 L that would be 150 dc extra. Let’s best guess your current dc is around 1k. I’m telling you now, you won’t feel the difference between that last 30 dc you think your missing. 0.3% of your attack power roughly.
That's how I look at things tbh. Was told I ruined a belt cause I put 3+8s on it. Well missing 6 dc isn't huge in the grand scheme of things.
Honestly all you need to is lower your expectations and listen to advice of more experience players, u say your not using end game kit but ur putting end game runes on it. This imo is where your going wrong and itÂ’s causing you frustration.

Use dc 8 and pa 0.8Â’s.

You say you need 15 L. If you had all 15 L that would be 150 dc extra. LetÂ’s best guess your current dc is around 1k. IÂ’m telling you now, you wonÂ’t feel the difference between that last 30 dc you think your missing. 0.3% of your attack power roughly.

Buddy, I do listen, Zades advice not to RT has proved invaluable :)

I hear what you are saying about the extra 30 DC. Makes a lots of sense. However, isn't this game all about wanting the best or every little bit of extra SC/MC/DC just making things a little more easier?

I like MIR, I really do. But my days of dropping £100 here, £100 there are over, particularly when the money is wasted paying over the odds rather than a reasonable price.

When I did donate / do donate it is normally to say thank you to the GM for extra work he has put in and / or to help keep the game going. When I loose faith that I will get the items I want (or need), well, there are other things to spend my money on.

I still stand by my original post, GM said Halloween would be a rune dropping event, from my perspective it was not. From the perspective of the current price of things, it was not. Xmas is another opportunity.

I see nothing wrong in wanting the best. This is a game. I will happily pay, I just will not pay £600. Anyone that thinks £600 is reasonable is, quite frankly, off their head (no offence :)
I don't think Alsiral is contesting you on that mate, but he does make a very good point and I think your expectations are way too high. Everyone wants the best going to make things easier, that's a given, you're not wrong there but in a lot of cases expect to put in the hours to achieve it. I thought the rune drops were a bit over hyped, that much I can agree with but I don't think that was the GMs fault. I think that probably falls down to the fact that last time we had a good rune drop event where quite a few started circulating and that's probably where the frustration came from, back then you couldn't merge runes together (I think?) so people were getting upset filling up with trash 0.5 DDs/FDs etc. so to counter it did scorp just add better quality runes into drop rates? (don't quote me on that) I don't think the drops were bad at all this time, I got quite a few good ones which I'm dead pleased with. A lot of this though I'm reading about spending loads of money here and there etc. then the GMs name is dropped in it, we can't forget this is a player driven market, the GMs don't sell runes. If I'm donating to a game to support the devs, then in my mind I'm supporting the devs. If I'm donating to buy off some player, that's something different entirely. If they want to charge crazy prices, I simply don't buy and go hunt instead. Every player has the same chance to get things in game (excluding the GG shop) so when I see runes in the AH, they've likely spent a good bit of time farming them and I think to myself that I can do the same if I want them so badly. If it dropped for them, they had the choice to sell it or use it, the same thing goes for you if you got one, sell it, or use it. Not having a go btw, this sounds like an angry post but it's really not lol
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Buddy, I do listen, Zades advice not to RT has proved invaluable :)

I hear what you are saying about the extra 30 DC. Makes a lots of sense. However, isn't this game all about wanting the best or every little bit of extra SC/MC/DC just making things a little more easier?

I like MIR, I really do. But my days of dropping £100 here, £100 there are over, particularly when the money is wasted paying over the odds rather than a reasonable price.

When I did donate / do donate it is normally to say thank you to the GM for extra work he has put in and / or to help keep the game going. When I loose faith that I will get the items I want (or need), well, there are other things to spend my money on.

I still stand by my original post, GM said Halloween would be a rune dropping event, from my perspective it was not. From the perspective of the current price of things, it was not. Xmas is another opportunity.

I see nothing wrong in wanting the best. This is a game. I will happily pay, I just will not pay £600. Anyone that thinks £600 is reasonable is, quite frankly, off their head (no offence :)

I hear you loud and clear. I think the issue is there is a market for items you want and some people are willing to pay a lot more than you think is reasonable. I want a Waitrose super organic Goose for my Xmas lunch, however that’s not realistic for my budget so off I fuck to Tesco for something half the price..... should Waitrose lower the price of their goose just for me? (Making more runes would ofc make them cheaper)

You need to lower your expectations to these items I feel or aim for something else. Have you thought about a AC kit? Makings a truly tanky warrior is both interesting and cheap. I have a 1k ac kit and it’s very rewarding. What about a fire res kit? You can hunt and buy those runes, all it takes is time

Oh and no, 30 dc won’t make a scrap of difference in the real world, if you timed killing a boss like sky knight you might do in 57 seconds instead of 58....
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