christmas event | The Legend of Mir

christmas event


Active Member
Hi Andy and team,
Great event:)
many thanks for your effort something for everyone!
players moan we see best event by far
best wishes TaoLoaf & Zagzagel
Just a little constructive feedback about the event.

Overall I thought it was really good! Having played many servers over the years and many events this was up there for me.

Was frustrating 1/2 the marbles couldn’t be crafted in bag yet the other half could. Also not sure if anyone got ultra dura orb to work.

The Xmas quests were good fun but too short for my liking, was a little like loosing your virginity, fun for 10 mins and then it’s over and can never happen again.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Andy for a great Event and really look forward to future ones!
Just a little constructive feedback about the event.

Overall I thought it was really good! Having played many servers over the years and many events this was up there for me.

Was frustrating 1/2 the marbles couldn’t be crafted in bag yet the other half could. Also not sure if anyone got ultra dura orb to work.

The Xmas quests were good fun but too short for my liking, was a little like loosing your virginity, fun for 10 mins and then it’s over and can never happen again.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Andy for a great Event and really look forward to future ones!

I tried about 10 ultra dura orbs on the first day and none worked, so I gave up on them. Then someone told me they got one to work, so I tried them again and got 1 (ONE!) to work, out of I have no idea how many lol, easily 30+
Quite agree with above posts that this was overall a very good event. Especially Snowbrook and Santa hunting.

Dura orbs stated they gave 0 stats so no they did not work.

The caves really need stretching out with more of them as a level 140 in a cave that level 160 + hunt in is a huge difference and very difficult for the low ends.

Considering the Dura