Character transfer | The Legend of Mir

Character transfer


Active Member
Wondering if its possible to move a character from one of my account to my main one please? I cn prove both accounts are mine, thanks.
I remember this coming up on another server and gm said it was not possible, only way round was to make new char, gm auto lvl it and transfer kit and then gm delete old account (and charge a Hanson fee)

Not to say the gm on that server was correct but it kinda makes sense as I can’t see why the ability to move chars across accounts would be built into the raw mechanism of the game.
You can open both accounts at the same time, just need to reduce screen size.
Then there is no need for account transfer.
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You can open both accounts at the same time, just need to reduce screen size.
Then there is no need for account transfer.

I usually have at least 2 accounts open at a time, sometimes up to 4. Full screen. Just alt-tab between them when necessary. It's really quite simple and doesn't seem to affect game performance at all
Account transfer is not available for a few reasons.

Primarily it is too complicated for how the game and data structure is set out and secondly it could be abused (for example stealing / selling characters, taking advantage of account based features ect ect)