Champion NagaLord drop | The Legend of Mir

Champion NagaLord drop

Don't be, this is a game based on chance after-all

it is, it's also true that high numbers of boss killing reduce the ''change fact'' . when the boss waas released it dropped 2x lvl 154 wizz spell, 1 crystal helm, 1 holt crystal arm (when it came out in it super version) and 1 lvl 154 tao skill. But then he stopped dropping anyting he rarely drop a red item lvl 158, and trust me we kill it with lvl 160 char perk + drop pot. i'm not the only who think that you reduced his drop rate, cause tecnically that boss is being killed by us the most of times.
wtf is a 'change fact' btw and do fellas ever make a positive or constructive post without demonstrating what greedy little fkers they are?
Ohhh, I thought you were just generally complaining about the drop rate - didn't realise this was a conspiracy theory.
Shame I can't reliably show you the drop files. Last modified 11/12/2018 19:54
Ohhh, I thought you were just generally complaining about the drop rate - didn't realise this was a conspiracy theory.
Shame I can't reliably show you the drop files. Last modified 11/12/2018 19:54

never say that, youre talking about cospiracy ;) . i just talk about facts : the first 2 weeks the boss got released it used to drop sometimes, now is generally crap 95% of the times. many players who used to kill it stopped, and they told me ''this boss dont drop, so i stopped camping it''. i'm not complaining about the superlow droprates of nagalord, i'm just confused how is possible that a stupid bosses like frostfist (1st boss of ice) drop crystal item so often and hard or SUPERARE bosses like champnagalord (since release that's the 1st champ nagalord) drop a CHIPPEDRUBY.

p.s. tanking a comment with insults is rly low professional.
p.p.s still wondering why a 3 days respawn boss like razor have not a spawn warning like lordofdeads do
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Sorry you were insulted by my reply, that was not my intention. I will be more careful in future.

p.s thanks for notice about FrostFist - will fix that bug for next reboot
p.s. tanking a comment with insults is rly low professional.
p.p.s still wondering why a 3 days respawn boss like razor have not a spawn warning like lordofdeads do[/QUOTE]

Raezor have a telling and a "warning" he are out.
You need to explore the game more couse tbh. I wont tell :))
took me 90 mins to kill it, even with the dorp pot. Rly no comment......

After all, it's a game, and the drop rate file is nothing more than a mathematical algorithm. Only Goodfellas can complain about the failures in the game. Even if they have the best items, it seems that they are never enough. In addition, they have the simdrom of persecution ... the theory of conspiracy))). Nirvana is really a shame for the game, just like many others in GoddFelas. You are selfish and egocentric and proud ( but in a bad way) like Rolk. Two people with few achievements in real life and want to compensate here. Grow old, grow discipline, grow a mind, read a book, and then we can talk. I log and play like 1, maybe 2 hours in few days every week. You have a life, somwhere expect Mir?
Is the bitchfest still ongoing? Just a thought.. if and when u gave all the top end stuff u can get,got a loads of GG & gold and aaaaaall the rest that u can get max on, what is there left for a player to aim for? Work towards ore do? Surely as a top end gamer u want challanges & objectives to work towards? If not .. to me anyhow the game becomes boring n stale and in the end u quit as nothing left to do?
Well congrats Nivanahatake on bringing to the attention of the GM the good drops that maybe lower level players were able to enjoy from Frostfist.
This looks like it is now going to be NUKEd thx to you.
Sorry it took you so long to solo one of the top bosses in game!
That is just not fair... taoists are tooo op when they are suppose to be support class... i couldnt take on a negaelliote even after i rev and relogge 14 times.. and i still couldn't kill it, and then we have these taoists monks can own the big boss with ease let alone the negaelliots.
That is just not fair... taoists are tooo op when they are suppose to be support class... i couldnt take on a negaelliote even after i rev and relogge 14 times.. and i still couldn't kill it, and then we have these taoists monks can own the big boss with ease let alone the negaelliots.

Tao's been a joke for a while.

LR pets it last 3 seconds. The amount of fire res + shield means hp runes makes them pretty tanky.

A level 140+ tao can pretty much smash a semi decent 155+ warrior.

Only have to look at lms to see the balance or lack of. tao pet damage now that sc is over 1300 is retarded, Coupled with the fact you cant even lr them..... Then compare that to a wizz cant out run a tao. most taos can outheal a wizzy's damage. now a tao shows up pointless even fighting. tao can be shit and slow but so long as they run around pets your pretty much dead as taos now 3-4 hit ya (this is not including pet damage..)

I'd love to be able to solo naga lord too. but boss's don't para to stop warriors soloing them.
most taos can outheal a wizzy's damage

Most? I'd be willing to bet there's maybe 3 or 4 taos in the game who can outheal my damage. And they are all higher level than me and have way better kit, so in my opinion they deserve to be able to. Work hard, get rewards.
Most? I'd be willing to bet there's maybe 3 or 4 taos in the game who can outheal my damage. And they are all higher level than me and have way better kit, so in my opinion they deserve to be able to. Work hard, get rewards.

by that logic. I've got a warrior to 160. I worked hard to get that, I should be able to out pot anyone lower?

Log in pvp me on tao its only 151 and you will lose every time.

I'm not level 130 moaning about something I know nothing about. A low level tao can smash a high level warrior. Maybe not in 2-3 hits but roam around pets and warrior dead regardless of sc. When would you ever see a 130 warrior smash a 160 tao?

Simply sorting lr to work on pets would balance it out somewhat.

The reason most taos will out heal your damage? You'll be getting your arse tanned by pets long before you could lay damage down onto a tao.

It a narrow sighted view to think because you have worked hard to get 160 you should be on god mode. If that's the case he should remove the anti 1 hit, after all i have worked hard to get 1560+ dc on full buff. Surely I should be able to 1 hit anyone who hasn't worked as hard.
by that logic. I've got a warrior to 160. I worked hard to get that, I should be able to out pot anyone lower?
If you are higher level and better kit, then of course you should be able to win

Log in pvp me on tao its only 151 and you will lose every time.
If you attack back then yes I expect you will win easily, especially if you have high SC. But you said outheal, as in, heal faster than I can do damage. I was playing in PVP area last night and 2-hit a level 156 warrior. I'd love to see you outheal that.

I'm not level 130 moaning about something I know nothing about. A low level tao can smash a high level warrior. Maybe not in 2-3 hits but roam around pets and warrior dead regardless of sc. When would you ever see a 130 warrior smash a 160 tao?
A tao is a much harder class to play. It takes longer to level, especially solo, and is much more mentally demanding to play in pve and pvp. It's my opinion that a tao should be more powerful than a warrior as taos have put the extra effort in and deserve the extra reward. Yes taos are maybe a bit OP, but it's nowhere near as extreme as people are making out.

Simply sorting lr to work on pets would balance it out somewhat.
That would be quite a nice move actually, would address the balance in favour of warriors for sure, could be worth looking at

The reason most taos will out heal your damage? You'll be getting your arse tanned by pets long before you could lay damage down onto a tao.
It's those bloody elementals that catch me mid-run long enough to let shinsu do some damage. Skeletons just get in the way. But equally I can tame 5 pets that are really strong which can be used to distract the tao pets. Always keep some pets tamed in town ready to recall when needed ;)

It a narrow sighted view to think because you have worked hard to get 160 you should be on god mode. If that's the case he should remove the anti 1 hit, after all i have worked hard to get 1560+ dc on full buff. Surely I should be able to 1 hit anyone who hasn't worked as hard.
Not quite god mode, but you are certainly very strong, I accept. But so are most people who have high level and high kit. You can probably do me in 2 hits and that's fine, you deserve to if you've gone to the effort/expense to get that high DC

- - - Updated - - -

btw curious mate, who are you ingame? :)