Champion naga lord | The Legend of Mir

Champion naga lord


Active Member
Kk had a pk over it, its a really low chance of spawning took time to kill ( 1 shot myself to it from a blazing sword reflect xD).

Had all drop buffs, lvl cap perk on etc... killed it for literally the same drop from a normal naga elite/crystal sub... there should be more to these bosses...

for those who are blind, its a Hujijiji brace think tao 158

Has there been any blue Crystal temple boss or red? if so they dropped owt?


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WOW look at all those pots ! GG aswell but tbh i agree champ / blue NL should have a nice chance to drop something special lol..
I totally agree with you on this. The champs must be slightly special increase the drop rate would make it worth fighting for.
Lol killed champ bile yesterday after 20 minutes of grind.

I know its a sub boss, but it gave us a TalRune :)))))))))))))))
Lol killed champ bile yesterday after 20 minutes of grind.

I know its a sub boss, but it gave us a TalRune :)))))))))))))))

Like it doesn’t spawn every hour it’s rare.. make it good to fight for and worth.. I really not asking for cele item or crystal every drop... just make it worth
Agree with everyone.
Blues increased chance , reds should be like a higher chance of drop if not a definite of some sort
Supers and champions do have increased drop rates but it's still down to random chance. They also have greatly improved Magic Find so each item they drop should be quite highly added.

I will look into it though..
good way to stop us moaning , let the Super+Champion brutes have the ability to drop items in desert throne again ^_^
good way to stop us moaning , let the Super+Champion brutes have the ability to drop items in desert throne again ^_^

Or make it 2 NL spawn at a time, so you got twice the chance of a drop, and it'll be deserved when it comes cos that'll be a bastard of a room to be in :D