Du to Guild build poins players now camping in kr and boss spawning erya Hiden Land .many of them do this Afk.
Migt time to make some of the maps that is for low lvl to time limet maps so u cant stay 24 houers afk .
This becors some Guilds Harvesting GBP 24/7 almost using 2 ore 3 noobs in grups,so only way now is to pkk ore repuls sd them away from spots if u wana kill same bosses .
As using 2 players from same guild and stay same spots 12 to 24 houers migt can be consernd griffing ,speiely wen if u try to take bosses from them u geting warnd that u get pkk off wery hig lvl from them .
My ide is make kr terror tempel and Cave of Evil, Hidenland to time limet maps so make them say 5 houers map then u get teled out migt make a Lock to to re enter if u get autoteled out bacikly deneid re entery for 5 houers .This to to alow otters to come and hunt ther .
Im to camping at spots to gaine gbp that way i want it to be a bit fairer for evry on to get a canse to do the noob bosses.
Leder of Vallhallgod
Migt time to make some of the maps that is for low lvl to time limet maps so u cant stay 24 houers afk .
This becors some Guilds Harvesting GBP 24/7 almost using 2 ore 3 noobs in grups,so only way now is to pkk ore repuls sd them away from spots if u wana kill same bosses .
As using 2 players from same guild and stay same spots 12 to 24 houers migt can be consernd griffing ,speiely wen if u try to take bosses from them u geting warnd that u get pkk off wery hig lvl from them .
My ide is make kr terror tempel and Cave of Evil, Hidenland to time limet maps so make them say 5 houers map then u get teled out migt make a Lock to to re enter if u get autoteled out bacikly deneid re entery for 5 houers .This to to alow otters to come and hunt ther .
Im to camping at spots to gaine gbp that way i want it to be a bit fairer for evry on to get a canse to do the noob bosses.
Leder of Vallhallgod