I just came on to post about it there !!! 1 k fuck mine is almost halfed in damaged WTF is going on here , not happy as its my primary spell I use for both lvling and bossing , and before any1 says its because we are OP that's a lot of shit , we have a cooldown on it plus we run the risk of being squashed as we are up close using this spell.
with over 1K mc and 53% Fire damage my Cop usualy sits about 5600 Damage , now its sitting at 2900 ........ also no heads up about this change , meaning im ball deep in a lure in tomb of the dead and the fuckers aren't dying and my pots are struggling to keep up
also now how we ment to get a finishing hit on a war in PVP , after we make a war revive he has plenty of time to rt , only chance we ever had of getting a kill shot was to bounce in and Cop , also allowing most wars to 1 hit us , not worth the risk now as my inferno does almost as much damage as cop , so I just needa hope the warrior is daft enough to run and burn himself to death