Bring Back the Arena | The Legend of Mir

Bring Back the Arena



While I do understand the reasons for "removing" the Arena, it was clearly the easiest and most effective way to level up pets quickly. I really don't mind waiting my turn. Couldn't it be a timed area like quests and other caves e.g.Old Tomb where after a certain amount of time (suggest 6 minutes) the player is ejected from the map. It could even cost GP to get in to stop players from abusing it.

Just my 2 cents, I do miss it.

It definitely was "removed" :drunk:

Pet levelling was not designed for pet levelling, hence the name the Arena.
The pet levelling rooms in game were removed some years ago because they defeated the whole point of an interesting function of the game
i can see both sides to this but it feels like the game is going one sided atm toa's are getting alot of downgrades with posien and timers on there Omamori and there high price on them and now the pets lvling spots are gone ........ just just feels like you only want wizzy and wars to run the game

i know you are working hard within the game keep it up but as i toa's are getting a hard time maybe have a little update on them
i can see both sides to this but it feels like the game is going one sided atm toa's are getting alot of downgrades with posien and timers on there Omamori and there high price on them and now the pets lvling spots are gone ........ just just feels like you only want wizzy and wars to run the game

i know you are working hard within the game keep it up but as i toa's are getting a hard time maybe have a little update on them

Are you talking about the regular late night meetings with the Chief Warrior and High Wizard to discuss ways in which we can destabilise the Taoist community? Because they certainly do not happen
Thanks for the response.

As a Tao, in my style of play, I rely heavily on my pets when I am playing solo or leveling on my own. I go to great efforts to keep them alive and leveled to the max. It's hard work as they tend to have "a mind of their own" when in attack mode and are prone to wandering off on their own missions; getting stuck "attracted" by mobs behind a wall; or chasing after a mob with range attacks.

I now find it necessary to spend a fair amount of time in lower level areas to get the pets leveled up before I can go to the area more appropriate to leveling or for bossing. I find this a distinct disadvantage when compared with the other classes who can simply head off to a boss when an alert of a champion spawn is announced.
Taos are fine. I've been back playing since xmas , took a small break between January and april, hammered it since then, whilst playing the Tao ALOT. Never used arena once, but have done plenty of lvling and bossing. Not really felt at a disadvantage so much that I'd ask for anything to be added to the Tao. I think if anything, you keep stoking the fire and you might open somebodys eyes who might see how good taoist are compared to wiz/war!
Update tao pet health stats in line with wizzy pets in ship challenge would be nice.

lol, the day I can press F1 to spawn a hulk is the day that suggestion will make any sense, not gonna happen

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Taos are easily the most dangerous class and best all rounder when it comes to pvp and pve, their only disadvantage is that they are harder to level, which is probably intentional as having a crazy overpowered character is the reward for your extra effort
lol, the day I can press F1 to spawn a hulk is the day that suggestion will make any sense, not gonna happen

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Taos are easily the most dangerous class and best all rounder when it comes to pvp and pve, their only disadvantage is that they are harder to level, which is probably intentional as having a crazy overpowered character is the reward for your extra effort

Let's not forget a 25% experience buff was added to help with their levelling, and make them more valuable in group hunts since the exp is shared to all party members within a proximity. Youve got to be mad to they think that the Tao class is hard done by.
They are the best all round class and if you can wrap your head around the different roles you need to play they are the most fun, in my opinion, too.
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Tao’s are by far the hardest class to master but once you have mastered it they are head and shoulders above the rest. With regards to original post, there’s other places to lvl pets, just not afk and takes a little longer. Saying you can’t just “go out and lvl” like the other classes is inaccurate. You now have a choice, lvl your pets and hit hard and fast straight away, or go lvl straight away and just do smaller lures in them to start with. Try using the different methods of pet attack if u can control them
Insect cave
Hidden lands
Stone temple
Tongs tomb

Easy places to level pets, 10mins job, please dont get me wrong the arena was simple and easy however not end of world it been removed...
Already costs tao’s a fortune to buy amulets, rev stones, pois. Takes much longer than any other class to level. Our pets are the only thing that bring us on par with others but now we have to spend 20 minutes leveling pets for them to die in the first cave you go in. Makes no sense at all.
Already costs tao’s a fortune to buy amulets, rev stones, pois. Takes much longer than any other class to level. Our pets are the only thing that bring us on par with others but now we have to spend 20 minutes leveling pets for them to die in the first cave you go in. Makes no sense at all.

So the only change is u can’t go afk and have a cup of tea before you lvl? If I want to lvl hard and fast as a warr I need to go to a noob cave and build up pots and then continue to do so while I lvl. Seems fair to me
Already costs tao’s a fortune to buy amulets, rev stones, pois. Takes much longer than any other class to level. Our pets are the only thing that bring us on par with others but now we have to spend 20 minutes leveling pets for them to die in the first cave you go in. Makes no sense at all.

You tagged along with groups in Dungeons & Dragons KR event and have done fuck all since that ended. Maybe you should play another class or just join SharkBoy on the 'zero motivation' shelf.
Taos are fine and versatile just because you cant level your pets afk doesnt matter just spawn them and go hunt. When they die, spawn a new one with that amulet you just bought. Also you can buy cheaper amulets, you are not obliged to buy the more expensive ones, operate within a budget you are happy with and stop trying to keep up with the Jones's.
You tagged along with groups in Dungeons & Dragons KR event and have done fuck all since that ended. Maybe you should play another class or just join SharkBoy on the 'zero motivation' shelf.
Taos are fine and versatile just because you cant level your pets afk doesnt matter just spawn them and go hunt. When they die, spawn a new one with that amulet you just bought. Also you can buy cheaper amulets, you are not obliged to buy the more expensive ones, operate within a budget you are happy with and stop trying to keep up with the Jones's.

Settle yourself down just trying to provide feedback, never spoke to you in my life so you’re talking absolute shite. Watch you don’t burst some veins getting angry 👹.