BloodLust | The Legend of Mir



Active Member
Oki here is one for everyone to look into before bloodlust would work more on Firethrust over tdb

but i was just lvling on the war and i seen my HP going down and getting the mark of bloodlust on both skills but not getting any HP back if that is the case then the skill is bugged and if that is bugged then awakened will be bugged too but maybe its just me

but look into this people and get back to the post
I can confirm no hp regen whatsoever. When its fixed can we get it to work on frost/fire frenzy? Would bring us alot closer to where wars should be at.
well i know am crazy but at lest this time am not that crazy and i was right about this i hope andy will look at this post soon and just hit the thank you key so we know hes read the post and looking into this think that would be great :)
I was noticing it not working either in a 120 cave at 132 and it's ridiculous potting this much. Thankfully pots are plentiful
I can confirm no hp regen whatsoever. When its fixed can we get it to work on frost/fire frenzy? Would bring us alot closer to where wars should be at.

I keep saying this.. we need more sustain when group farming, it's not viable solo killing mobs as a warrior. We need to maintain FireFrenzy when leveling, but that then makes Bloodlust redundant. I jump on my Tao and can kill 20-30 mobs one handed whilst watching TV with a single spell (ToxicGas), which is 20 levels below my warrior. Plus I've not had to spend on a single repair in like 10+ levels..

Give warriors some love <3
This makes me want to level my warrior just to prove a point. I see the way the top warriors level and they seem to manage to gain exp just as quick as I do on my wiz even with all these "disadvantages", and as a bonus they can kill bosses in 2 mins that take me 10+ mins