Bloodlust on Fire/Frost Frenzy | The Legend of Mir

Bloodlust on Fire/Frost Frenzy


I'm not asking for it to apply on every single mob it hits, just the first mob your focusing.

I cannot see any reason why this would cause issues as it wouldn't be OP. I currently try and level with FF primarily, so having that extra sustainability is massive for us warriors.

I just want to have some form of lifesteal at lower levels to help with the bigger pulls whilst using area of effect spells.

Wizards and Tao's are already OP for leveling because of their sustain, give us warriors a break with a slight tweak in Bloodlust? It's not like firefrenzy hits stupidly big in hits but it'll help just enough to make leveling in big pulls more viable.
Warriors are designed to kill 1v1 quickly. Wizards are design to kill masses.

If you want the ability for warriors to do lures the same as a wizard can, then surely wizards should be given the ability to kill bosses like warriors can. Yes there are bosses I can kill on my wiz that I can't kill on my warrior, obviously, but the ones that I can do on my warrior are WAY faster, at least 3x as long to kill on wiz.
Warriors are designed to kill 1v1 quickly. Wizards are design to kill masses.

If you want the ability for warriors to do lures the same as a wizard can, then surely wizards should be given the ability to kill bosses like warriors can. Yes there are bosses I can kill on my wiz that I can't kill on my warrior, obviously, but the ones that I can do on my warrior are WAY faster, at least 3x as long to kill on wiz.

Wizards and Tao's can 1v1 bosses MUCH easier than any warrior. They can kite and lure most bosses and large pulls until 140+ in which maybe we (wars) become more useful but the early section of the game warriors have a hard time unless you have a khazard and para ring.

I don't think your point is accurate as you're viewing things with you already being 170+ and your warriors level 153, so for you it's not really a comparison as your playing in a whole different way.

The area range I'm talking about is between 120 - 145, where we need the big pulls to make level not such a bore. Using a clear ring, hiding in the shadows with TDB all day long is boring as sh*t and I never recall it being the way warriors were designed?

My proposal on the frenzy spells would have a minimal impact... it would just make it a little more bearable with the big pulls. Just look at the player base and ask why is the majority of the players either a Wizard or Taoist? It seems like 80% of the people online at the moment are Wizards..
i do agree having BL on frenzy spells would be nice but all it takes is for u to look at the rankings and see that most of the top lvls are warriors.
i do agree having BL on frenzy spells would be nice but all it takes is for u to look at the rankings and see that most of the top lvls are warriors.

All I would like to say in response to this Ciz, all the warriors in the upper ranks are characters that have been around for 5+ years so have always been near the top from day dot. DS being the exception as he's a freak when it comes to lvling. The wizzies and taos that are up there (except yourself and the odd couple of others) are 18/24month old.

Like the OP said regarding FF, it would be nice if it just proc'd on the targeted mob and not necessarily every mob around you. Hoping for that blaze/flame BL all the time is tiresome.
Wizards and Tao's can 1v1 bosses MUCH easier than any warrior. They can kite and lure most bosses and large pulls until 140+ in which maybe we (wars) become more useful but the early section of the game warriors have a hard time unless you have a khazard and para ring.

I don't think your point is accurate as you're viewing things with you already being 170+ and your warriors level 153, so for you it's not really a comparison as your playing in a whole different way.

The area range I'm talking about is between 120 - 145, where we need the big pulls to make level not such a bore. Using a clear ring, hiding in the shadows with TDB all day long is boring as sh*t and I never recall it being the way warriors were designed?

My proposal on the frenzy spells would have a minimal impact... it would just make it a little more bearable with the big pulls. Just look at the player base and ask why is the majority of the players either a Wizard or Taoist? It seems like 80% of the people online at the moment are Wizards..

I don't wanna sound too harsh mate, but it sounds like you're just levelling wrong. On my warrior I can take small lures and kill mobs 1 at a time and gain exp just as fast as I did on my wiz when my wiz was that level. How warriors were designed to be 15 years ago isn't really relevant now. Everything has changed, some things are harder, most things are easier.

My point about bosses is accurate. If I go on my warrior and kill 4tails, then go later on my wiz and kill 4tails, and time both attempts. My warrior would be quicker overall, including getting there, clearing mobs and getting the boss kill, despite a 19 level disadvantage. Most mid level bosses like that are the same, with a few exceptions that are very difficult for warriors.

- - - Updated - - -

Also regards your point about 80% of people online being wizards, I can't speak for the whole server, but out of the 30 active players in my guild, there are 14 warriors, 8 taoists, 6 wizards. Definitely less than 80%
@zade This has nothing to do with wiz vs war on bosses , this is about BL proccing from FF, which i agree with @mamoset about if it worked on the targeted mob would be ok, but i dont really play a warrior so cant talk that much on it.
Easy solution would be to increase BL proc on the single hit spells, chilling sword, flame sword etc (but not vs players)
Best solution would be to nerf BloodStorm, that's the only real issue here. Tao have always had a healing spell, one regens quicker than the other, by no means does that make them over powered. Having a spell what puts you from 1k hp to full 7/8k hp on a single cast, combined with, for arguments sake, 60% PDR and 30% MDR, now you're looking at something different.
Warriors have never had Bloodlust proc on fire/frost frenzy, when I used to play Bond more regular I would just throw a blaze/fs in there and hope that it procs, if it doesn't you just BattleEscape out of there and regen, isolate a single mob with entrap and switch on either TDB or FireThrust, which will proc and help you regen. It was never really that big of a deal, why make it able to just stand in one spot and get OP procs over and over when you could actually use some brain power and innovate.

Tao's cannot repeatedly stand and DV and heal their way through an huge lure, warriors cannot really do that with frost/fire frenzy either, wiz? FG on yourself, CoP and bloodstorm, only have to look at the wizards in Naga Ctiy GP cave and see how OP that spell really is.