Hey Andy,
Was thinking if some runes could be crafted larger they might be more use. Everyone sticking to SC, PA etc for attacks. How about making discipline runes up to 4% elemental and ice/fire 5%
Good idea
I remember PA,MA,SA increased in value and sought more after when GM changed DC,MC,SC runes from 5 to 10.. unfortunately he didn't make any changes to other elements like fire,ice,dark,lighting and holy.. and ever since then not many ppl bother with elements..
To make it fair i think large fire,ice,dd,holy,and lighting runes should be increased to 4% and all elemental increased to 3% rather than staying 1%.
I'd like to see some bigger / more powerful or even new runes to add in the future, Not sure if upgrading the current ones would make everything OP tho , hard thing to judge
Zade was on about exp runes, maybe like 1% small 1.5 med 2% large, or even some crit strike runes same % as the exp runes
Exp and crit would be cool but I agree with the point about the mythic items so i think that rules that one out imo.
Love the idea of boosting some on the current ones to make them on par / a match for PA MA SA
Elemental increase 1 to 2% Fire Ice DD 2% to 3% (both attack and defence ones!!!) And Add some Ice Res ones that go upto 3% and Ele defence upto 2% Would def see alot more kit builds and interesting rune choices for sure!!!
Element resist sockets are a very interesting idea. Would need to be very careful though as some people are already getting very high resists, gonna end up with mass fights where nobody can kill anyone lol
exp runes might be kinda pointless with the mythic items we got, crit strike runes would be awesome , change the critical hit stones we have atm for crit strike ones