arcamon pet stats | The Legend of Mir

arcamon pet stats


Active Member
Hi Andy, Warda,
Please could you update arcamon base stats list and skills they have.
I understand some pets have not been discovered yet so you won't put a list out,
But a list of the ones already being used would be much appreciated.
Also can you clarify how dragon pets are made? Dragon evo stone work on all pets or just some.
Will a 1000gg stone break or not upgrade and you lose stone? Lot of cash to part with if it breaks!
Finally can you check drop rates on meat soups! I know demand is high atm , but have tried several
Cave to find xl soups with a return of about 5 per hour.
Best wishes as always
Hi Andy, Warda,
Please could you update arcamon base stats list and skills they have.
I understand some pets have not been discovered yet so you won't put a list out,
But a list of the ones already being used would be much appreciated.
Also can you clarify how dragon pets are made? Dragon evo stone work on all pets or just some.
Will a 1000gg stone break or not upgrade and you lose stone? Lot of cash to part with if it breaks!
Finally can you check drop rates on meat soups! I know demand is high atm , but have tried several
Cave to find xl soups with a return of about 5 per hour.
Best wishes as always

I'm looking for ZerkSoups. I'll keep any MeatSoups I get if you keep any ZerkSoups you get and we can meet from time to time and do a swap :)
Behind the stables?

Will update the Arcamon page in due time. For now the explorers will be rewarded. Evolution stones do not break or fail
Behind the stables?

Will update the Arcamon page in due time. For now the explorers will be rewarded. Evolution stones do not break or fail

Thanks for the quick reply :) soup drop rate ? Are there caves that drop mainly one or two types? Ie skelly caves seem to drop more meat soups,
Or is it purely random.
Also noticed in lsle of the dead, arcamon eggs drop without mob running, do eggs only drop outside and on floor
One of cave? Some small hints would be nice
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while we are on this topic.. can i suggest that GG food should be made more specific? atm the points you get from GG food are still too much distributed towards other states..
any1 know what im talking about or shall i go in to a bit more details?
That won't happen, they are calibrated to give more control than other food items but do not allow for silly ott builds
Mobd that drops arcamons will normaly run away from u but if u us Clear ore prob neck them wil stay still .
That won't happen, they are calibrated to give more control than other food items but do not allow for silly ott builds

What! No OTT builds!? Scandal! Outrage! Here i was planning of building a supercharged carrot shooting rabbit whit buildt in missiles :( shame on u andy :p ^_^
What! No OTT builds!? Scandal! Outrage! Here i was planning of building a supercharged carrot shooting rabbit whit buildt in missiles :( shame on u andy :p ^_^

I would realy like a GIANT Snail- i fight them every year in my back garden here in Sweden. Rly slimy nasty fkers.

Option two- Flying troll like winged oma but a little nasty troll - almost like än Rumpnisse :cocksure:
I would realy like a GIANT Snail- i fight them every year in my back garden here in Sweden. Rly slimy nasty fkers.

Option two- Flying troll like winged oma but a little nasty troll - almost like än Rumpnisse :cocksure:

Haahaa i love the ideas ! Bit of humour in to the game ^^.
Rumpnisse!!! ^_^
Hey wick,

Will be in the process of updating the lists very soon, just a few more tweaks to be made and we'll have the information out to everyone on both the forum and main web page. Apologies for the delays - we'll keep you informed once the stats have been updated.
Hey wick,

Will be in the process of updating the lists very soon, just a few more tweaks to be made and we'll have the information out to everyone on both the forum and main web page. Apologies for the delays - we'll keep you informed once the stats have been updated.

many thanks bud:)
Will Be Nice if some taking time to make a list of the New arcamone.

have lvl upp some my self but not many .

Raging cat wen lvlevo becoming stormcat using icestorm skill.

regrdin gg Food yes state on them cude migt be bufed upp so pll wana lvl a pet upp fast can us gg to do . ps steroids cude be working for 10 min in sted of yust bringing Down hunger 1 time .