andy can we talk 5 min pls ? | The Legend of Mir

andy can we talk 5 min pls ?

i just want to prove for him am not guilty , and i can :) but he so hard to get .

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i got screen shot for all my kit and item storeg gg gold sens 2016 2017 to show him how rich i am :p with no bug or shit and must off game old player know its true .
i just want to prove for him am not guilty , and i can :) but he so hard to get .

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i got screen shot for all my kit and item storeg gg gold sens 2016 2017 to show him how rich i am :p with no bug or shit and must off game old player know its true .

if your speed i might agree that you were rich and maybe legitly gained some of your richness as you call it.. but if ur somebody else like ner0z just fuck off.. i knew exactly how active you were ingame and based on your activity.. you wouldn't have been as rich. joker i still remember when he tried to mugg me off by trying to sell me an item that i needed and he didnt for some extortionate price..

anyway start a new char... with these exp boosts and event coming up you be lvl 145 in no time.

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lol trying to mugg me off by trying to charge me full price + more for a stone that he could make in 5sec.
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I am Speed79 mate and i didnt win 0 from the bug coz siple there no spece in my kit or storeg i aredy got like 20 k gg 900 m + and many crystal kit and i didnt know shit about the bug ner0z wes coming to me to land GG and gave me stone to keep tell he pay back or the stone become mine if he didnt pay i store it all i dont have specs to use stone my 5 accoent wes same best kit no specie for stone and i naver add one stone in TM to sell or even try to sell any stone ask all game did anyone buy stone from speed79 or lore or seema or eza or my storeg no coz i naver sell it before Andy banned me
you remember how you stole seema speed? you wanna talk about that a bit? GM didnt just ban you cause of your last dodgy antics, there were soo many other complaints about you...
Unban the guy. He’s actually still interested in the game and is a good player and person also brings more diversity into pvp side of things which the game seriously needs
Unban the guy. He’s actually still interested in the game and is a good player and person also brings more diversity into pvp side of things which the game seriously needs
thats why he should start a new char/// if he wants to show his love for the game. I remember reading somewhere on the forum that the GM doesnt want these guys anywhere near his game. but still i see the point your making about mir needing more diversity and so on.. but speed still has more to gain from starting a new account, and put his knowledge into use.. so he should do it. i wont be surprised if hes lvl 140 in 1month, with some decent kit..
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problem andy confuse between me and the ppl who used to play with me .

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man start over is Crime am not going to start over or play different account there is lot off player 150+ love to shear account with me i love Arcadia i didn't say no andy done one off best server in my eye but i used my account for a must 10 year anyway like i say before suspended must have date and it aredy pass more ten 1 year now for 3 off my account and 2 year for 2 off my account i will keep looking from time to time to see how it going .
problem andy confuse between me and the ppl who used to play with me .

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man start over is Crime am not going to start over or play different account there is lot off player 150+ love to shear account with me i love Arcadia i didn't say no andy done one off best server in my eye but i used my account for a must 10 year anyway like i say before suspended must have date and it aredy pass more ten 1 year now for 3 off my account and 2 year for 2 off my account i will keep looking from time to time to see how it going .

If you decide to start again pm me ingame, I'll lvl u for gg :p