Amulets expiy time | The Legend of Mir

Amulets expiy time


Active Member
Can this please be removed? it serves little purpose other than a hinderance for taos. And i usnderstand othher classes wear them in extra slot but for what they gain its very minimal.
Yes but how else will gold be drained from the game :stupid:

Not a lot of gold in game, you can go leveling with midas braces a helm and a gold find pot and make about 1m an hour.

Flower drops are at an all time low, went to level a new pet, went to serpent tomb got 3 pet food from 1 clear.

Dire situation currently, lots of moaning in-game just jot so much feedback on the forum's.
Sounds like they've burnt the candle from both ends - so many gold sinks introduced and now taking away the drop rates as well. It would be alright if the gold rate was low but so was the repair costs etc, but its always felt that side of the economy was so dreadful to boost the gamegold side of things
Sounds like they've burnt the candle from both ends - so many gold sinks introduced and now taking away the drop rates as well. It would be alright if the gold rate was low but so was the repair costs etc, but its always felt that side of the economy was so dreadful to boost the gamegold side of things

Ye I think the average kit is 10-15m reps. But your right, changes to flowers and the changes to the gold have essentially burnt the candle from both ends.
Ye I think the average kit is 10-15m reps. But your right, changes to flowers and the changes to the gold have essentially burnt the candle from both ends.

Change of flowers I liked because the floor wasn't full of crap anymore, nows it's just gold all over the floor making just as much mess!
Change of flowers I liked because the floor wasn't full of crap anymore, nows it's just gold all over the floor making just as much mess!

100% this!

#make gold piles upto 100k, then at least its only 1 pile per mob that drops not 10 like some do now

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Yes but how else will gold be drained from the game :stupid:

no need for another gold "sink" and i would argue this is a very low income sink for server ne ways
100% this!

#make gold piles upto 100k, then at least its only 1 pile per mob that drops not 10 like some do now

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no need for another gold "sink" and i would argue this is a very low income sink for server ne ways

100k piles would be better than what it's currently like, but then on group hunts everyone will stop killing lures and be jumping gold instead, going to slow game pace down loads
100k piles would be better than what it's currently like, but then on group hunts everyone will stop killing lures and be jumping gold instead, going to slow game pace down loads

Aye true, maybe just reduce the piles from blues n reds as they create the most mess