Afew Idea's and suggestions. | The Legend of Mir

Afew Idea's and suggestions.


Active Member

Id first like to say that this server is the best ive played since the old days of euro mir. The community is great, and its nice to see people so willing to help others after playing more modern games and getting told L2P!.

As it stands, as a returning player (i played alittle bit 2 years ago) i have a few ideas and suggestions to make this great server even better. They are as follows.

1)My first week back, i had absloutely no idea about @under120freexp command, i think perhaps a server message or even a forum thread for new starters would help alot of new and returning players.
2)IF possible a Skill book tab for the AH, and perhaps a Crafting materials tab. (essences/designs)
3) I think drops are spot on, alot of people complain but you cant always get drops all the time, ive yet to get a crystal item drop and i cant wait for when i finally do! much like euro mir, when you finally got that ultra rare item it was a real Buzz! as it stands i would LOVE if you could still get a really rare item from all bosses level 90+, im thinking such a low chance its not worth camping but if a random player kills say Leoric or Medusa and it drops a Holy Crystal item or even a high level skill book, not only would it give the guy a hard on for weeks it would give him such a buzz to keep playing! know any boss can drop something worth his time. I once killed a GiantWorm in euro mir and it dropped mirrioring! a level 38/40 skill in a low level cave. it was great! super rare but one of those OMFG moments you cant recreate when you know only X boss drops X item and nothing below it does so maybe adding afew ultra rare drops from every boss above X level .(perhaps key skills people buy? or even recall items/jaguar type necklaces)

The following are Class Specific ideas/suggestions. I have only leveled, tao to 130, wiz to 138 and warrior to 140, so these are just ideas i had while playing these to that level. higher level players are more than welcome to jump in on this thread and give their own input.

1)After playing all classes and leveling up all skills to the current level of the class, i must say why does tao have to level skills up so much? its not fun and engaging to sit in training room and cast summon elemental over and over. Wizard and warrior never have to cast something to 3000 at level 0. my suggestion is since tao's have so many skills and almost everyone is very important they should have some real slack in regards to leveling up skills.
2)New Skill idea- Mid level say 135, AOE Purifiction, nothing is more annoying than having mass people all slowed or poisoned at once and trying to remove it one player at a time, obviously this would be really really good for group PVP, so i suggest giving it a really high MP cost. something you really have to think about before you cast it, leaving you vunerable to getting killed or even giving it a 2min cooldown.
3)Spending 30mins before you can go hunting leveling up your pets is not fun, its time consuming. Pets are very strong, but having to spending time leveling them up every time you die or they die is really crap. I suggest turning ghoul cave into a pet leveling area, full of bug bat maggots spawning tiny low level bug bats, this cave should be made TAO only so wizards cant abuse it.

Warrior.(by far the most fun for me)
1)Warriors are great fun, but the cost of actually playing one is immense, more so than any other class. Once you get to around 135, the cost to actually hunt is massive from dura loss. I suggest to make things fair, to cut costs of warrior item repairs by 30% at least. Its not fun knowing you have hunted for 2-3 hours, earned perhaps 10mill in gold or drops to then have to repair your items at the cost of 9mill+ (i understand there is Dura pots from GG, however you shouldnt have to wear such a pot to make a positive out come from a hunt. When tao's and wizards take very little damage, hunt longer, easier AND level up faster it doesnt seem fair. i understand warrs at high level are great boss killers , but it takes very high level and very good kit to do so, i merely want to go leveling one night and not have to cost a fortune.
2)AOE leveling is not great for warriors, the main reason why? Bloodlust does not proc from frost frenzy OR fire frenzy, i understand having it proc on random with these skills would make warriors stupidly overpowered. So I would LOVE if we could have perhaps a 1/10 chance to proc bloodlust from those skills.It would speed warriors leveling up alot, but still keep them behind wiz and taos where imo they should be in terms of leveling speed.
3)Swordsmanship- This skill is level 130, it gives 8 acc and 8 agility at level 3. This for how rare the skill is to drop and the cost from GG is lackluster, my suggestion is to also give +10 Critical Strike or +5% Pysical Defense.Which for a level 130 skill is about right, Fencing gives more benefit for a warrior than a 130 skill (it gives +10 acc ) Agility seems really pointless.
4)New skill- One with the Sword- level 140+. Your time honing warrior Martial Arts has increased your ability to focus longer! your protection field, Rage and berserkering now last 30 seconds longer. +40 level 1, +50 level 2 and +60 level 3. main one been berserkering its annoying as hell refreshing so often haha.

1)first of all, i think the wizard class is really there in terms of power balance. out of all 3 classes i think its the one in the right place like most will say im sure. I really cant folt wizards. so i can only offer afew Skill book ideas. (if any high level wizards , perhaps zade could give some ideas it would be great)
2)New Skill- level 165+, After years of teleproting from place to place, you have discovered the ability to have others teleport to you! 20min cooldown. You recall your group to your location, level 0 60min cooldown, level 1 40min, level 2 30, level 3 20min.
3)New skill- level 150+ Wisdom. Your years of honing the mind have increased your mana regrenation by 10/20/30%

So those are my suggestions/idea's, feel free to pick them apart and where ive gone wrong, i really dont mind feedback and hell, if scorp sees any of this and thinks its awesome idea's! we all benefit!

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Id first like to say that this server is the best ive played since the old days of euro mir. The community is great, and its nice to see people so willing to help others after playing more modern games and getting told L2P!.

As it stands, as a returning player (i played alittle bit 2 years ago) i have a few ideas and suggestions to make this great server even better. They are as follows.

1)My first week back, i had absloutely no idea about @under120freexp command, i think perhaps a server message or even a forum thread for new starters would help alot of new and returning players.
2)IF possible a Skill book tab for the AH, and perhaps a Crafting materials tab. (essences/designs)
3) I think drops are spot on, alot of people complain but you cant always get drops all the time, ive yet to get a crystal item drop and i cant wait for when i finally do! much like euro mir, when you finally got that ultra rare item it was a real Buzz! as it stands i would LOVE if you could still get a really rare item from all bosses level 90+, im thinking such a low chance its not worth camping but if a random player kills say Leoric or Medusa and it drops a Holy Crystal item or even a high level skill book, not only would it give the guy a hard on for weeks it would give him such a buzz to keep playing! know any boss can drop something worth his time. I once killed a GiantWorm in euro mir and it dropped mirrioring! a level 38/40 skill in a low level cave. it was great! super rare but one of those OMFG moments you cant recreate when you know only X boss drops X item and nothing below it does so maybe adding afew ultra rare drops from every boss above X level .(perhaps key skills people buy? or even recall items/jaguar type necklaces)

The following are Class Specific ideas/suggestions. I have only leveled, tao to 130, wiz to 138 and warrior to 140, so these are just ideas i had while playing these to that level. higher level players are more than welcome to jump in on this thread and give their own input.

1)After playing all classes and leveling up all skills to the current level of the class, i must say why does tao have to level skills up so much? its not fun and engaging to sit in training room and cast summon elemental over and over. Wizard and warrior never have to cast something to 3000 at level 0. my suggestion is since tao's have so many skills and almost everyone is very important they should have some real slack in regards to leveling up skills.
2)New Skill idea- Mid level say 135, AOE Purifiction, nothing is more annoying than having mass people all slowed or poisoned at once and trying to remove it one player at a time, obviously this would be really really good for group PVP, so i suggest giving it a really high MP cost. something you really have to think about before you cast it, leaving you vunerable to getting killed or even giving it a 2min cooldown.
3)Spending 30mins before you can go hunting leveling up your pets is not fun, its time consuming. Pets are very strong, but having to spending time leveling them up every time you die or they die is really crap. I suggest turning ghoul cave into a pet leveling area, full of bug bat maggots spawning tiny low level bug bats, this cave should be made TAO only so wizards cant abuse it.

Warrior.(by far the most fun for me)
1)Warriors are great fun, but the cost of actually playing one is immense, more so than any other class. Once you get to around 135, the cost to actually hunt is massive from dura loss. I suggest to make things fair, to cut costs of warrior item repairs by 30% at least. Its not fun knowing you have hunted for 2-3 hours, earned perhaps 10mill in gold or drops to then have to repair your items at the cost of 9mill+ (i understand there is Dura pots from GG, however you shouldnt have to wear such a pot to make a positive out come from a hunt. When tao's and wizards take very little damage, hunt longer, easier AND level up faster it doesnt seem fair. i understand warrs at high level are great boss killers , but it takes very high level and very good kit to do so, i merely want to go leveling one night and not have to cost a fortune.
2)AOE leveling is not great for warriors, the main reason why? Bloodlust does not proc from frost frenzy OR fire frenzy, i understand having it proc on random with these skills would make warriors stupidly overpowered. So I would LOVE if we could have perhaps a 1/10 chance to proc bloodlust from those skills.It would speed warriors leveling up alot, but still keep them behind wiz and taos where imo they should be in terms of leveling speed.
3)Swordsmanship- This skill is level 130, it gives 8 acc and 8 agility at level 3. This for how rare the skill is to drop and the cost from GG is lackluster, my suggestion is to also give +10 Critical Strike or +5% Pysical Defense.Which for a level 130 skill is about right, Fencing gives more benefit for a warrior than a 130 skill (it gives +10 acc ) Agility seems really pointless.
4)New skill- One with the Sword- level 140+. Your time honing warrior Martial Arts has increased your ability to focus longer! your protection field, Rage and berserkering now last 30 seconds longer. +40 level 1, +50 level 2 and +60 level 3. main one been berserkering its annoying as hell refreshing so often haha.

1)first of all, i think the wizard class is really there in terms of power balance. out of all 3 classes i think its the one in the right place like most will say im sure. I really cant folt wizards. so i can only offer afew Skill book ideas. (if any high level wizards , perhaps zade could give some ideas it would be great)
2)New Skill- level 165+, After years of teleproting from place to place, you have discovered the ability to have others teleport to you! 20min cooldown. You recall your group to your location, level 0 60min cooldown, level 1 40min, level 2 30, level 3 20min.
3)New skill- level 150+ Wisdom. Your years of honing the mind have increased your mana regrenation by 10/20/30%

So those are my suggestions/idea's, feel free to pick them apart and where ive gone wrong, i really dont mind feedback and hell, if scorp sees any of this and thinks its awesome idea's! we all benefit!

m8 you’ve lost the plot.
Some good ideas, others outlandish. I'll let people decide what they think! Youve clearly thought about this and put your effort to write it so for that I thank you!

One thing I will comment on, what the hell is this new wave of players wanting pet levelling area back?
Back in the day, if you d/c or logged off youd lose your pets, now you can log off and as long as you log back in within 7 days your pets will stay... that in itself to me is amazing really. So if you did spend 30 minutes levelling them if thats your style, you'd only have to do it once if you looked after them... and better yet, if they die you can literally just summon a new one.
Firstly thanks for the excellent post, great to see people putting some real thought into things!

Hi :)

1)My first week back, i had absloutely no idea about @under120freexp command, i think perhaps a server message or even a forum thread for new starters would help alot of new and returning players.
I've always seen this command and it's predecessor (@under100freeXP) to be "rewards" for engaging with the community. Most established players know about these commands and will tell you about it if you ask for advice ingame, or on facebook, or on the forum. Those who get involved with the community and talk to other players like this will be rewarded by probably being told about the command. Those who want to be antisocial and play a solo game will need to work a bit harder. The game is very community orientated, so this just encourages that along a little bit

2)IF possible a Skill book tab for the AH, and perhaps a Crafting materials tab. (essences/designs)
The AH search/filter facility is very lacking, this is a known problem that's been reported many times. GM has stated that he would love to do it but it's a huge amount of work and basically the whole AH needs a rebuild from the ground up. Priority is given to offering new content updates, but I'm sure I'm not alone in hoping this is something that is being worked on quietly and isn't entirely shelved.

3) I think drops are spot on, alot of people complain but you cant always get drops all the time, ive yet to get a crystal item drop and i cant wait for when i finally do! much like euro mir, when you finally got that ultra rare item it was a real Buzz! as it stands i would LOVE if you could still get a really rare item from all bosses level 90+, im thinking such a low chance its not worth camping but if a random player kills say Leoric or Medusa and it drops a Holy Crystal item or even a high level skill book, not only would it give the guy a hard on for weeks it would give him such a buzz to keep playing! know any boss can drop something worth his time. I once killed a GiantWorm in euro mir and it dropped mirrioring! a level 38/40 skill in a low level cave. it was great! super rare but one of those OMFG moments you cant recreate when you know only X boss drops X item and nothing below it does so maybe adding afew ultra rare drops from every boss above X level .(perhaps key skills people buy? or even recall items/jaguar type necklaces)
This is sort of catered for by socket items (runes). Low level bosses can drop all sorts of runes and while some are worthless, a lot can be sold to shop for significant gold, some are very desirable for higher level players to buy. For example a while back I had a BraveryCrystal(L) from a Treebeard (level 97 boss) which in current market is worth around 300 game gold. Health runes are very much in fashion at the moment and are probably the most valuable, if you get a big one of those you're in the money as a low level, and they can drop pretty much anywhere.

The following are Class Specific ideas/suggestions. I have only leveled, tao to 130, wiz to 138 and warrior to 140, so these are just ideas i had while playing these to that level. higher level players are more than welcome to jump in on this thread and give their own input.
Love to see someone levelling all three chars, after my own heart haha. Obviously I'm mostly focused on wiz but I like to mess about on the others to keep my eye in and try to understand the advantages and disadvantages that each faces. Seems like you're doing a good job of following the same path!

1)After playing all classes and leveling up all skills to the current level of the class, i must say why does tao have to level skills up so much? its not fun and engaging to sit in training room and cast summon elemental over and over. Wizard and warrior never have to cast something to 3000 at level 0. my suggestion is since tao's have so many skills and almost everyone is very important they should have some real slack in regards to leveling up skills.
100% agree with this one, levelling skills is an outdated feature and IMO should be scrapped, just make every skill level up at 1/1 cast. There's zero fun or challenge involved. The only purpose it serves is to drive sales of skill necklaces, but since they were removed from game shop over a year ago I really don't see any point in keeping skill levelling in it's current form.

2)New Skill idea- Mid level say 135, AOE Purifiction, nothing is more annoying than having mass people all slowed or poisoned at once and trying to remove it one player at a time, obviously this would be really really good for group PVP, so i suggest giving it a really high MP cost. something you really have to think about before you cast it, leaving you vunerable to getting killed or even giving it a 2min cooldown.
Interesting idea, not sure I'm quite convinced it's necessary though. Might be wortwhile to consider though

3)Spending 30mins before you can go hunting leveling up your pets is not fun, its time consuming. Pets are very strong, but having to spending time leveling them up every time you die or they die is really crap. I suggest turning ghoul cave into a pet leveling area, full of bug bat maggots spawning tiny low level bug bats, this cave should be made TAO only so wizards cant abuse it.
Look after your pets better :p If you don't want to have to level them up again, don't let them die!

Warrior.(by far the most fun for me)
1)Warriors are great fun, but the cost of actually playing one is immense, more so than any other class. Once you get to around 135, the cost to actually hunt is massive from dura loss. I suggest to make things fair, to cut costs of warrior item repairs by 30% at least. Its not fun knowing you have hunted for 2-3 hours, earned perhaps 10mill in gold or drops to then have to repair your items at the cost of 9mill+ (i understand there is Dura pots from GG, however you shouldnt have to wear such a pot to make a positive out come from a hunt. When tao's and wizards take very little damage, hunt longer, easier AND level up faster it doesnt seem fair. i understand warrs at high level are great boss killers , but it takes very high level and very good kit to do so, i merely want to go leveling one night and not have to cost a fortune.
I understand your point but respectfully disagree. If you make 10m on a hunt, sell a gold bar and make 30-35gg, toughening oil is only 6gg and will last your entire hunt, no more repairs. Regards wizards taking less hits and levelling up faster, one of those things can be true at a time depending on your hunting style, but you can't do both. If a wiz wants to level fast they will take more hits than a warrior will

2)AOE leveling is not great for warriors, the main reason why? Bloodlust does not proc from frost frenzy OR fire frenzy, i understand having it proc on random with these skills would make warriors stupidly overpowered. So I would LOVE if we could have perhaps a 1/10 chance to proc bloodlust from those skills.It would speed warriors leveling up alot, but still keep them behind wiz and taos where imo they should be in terms of leveling speed.
Wizards are designed for AoE attacks, warriors are designed for 1v1 attacks. Adjust your levelling style to suit

3)Swordsmanship- This skill is level 130, it gives 8 acc and 8 agility at level 3. This for how rare the skill is to drop and the cost from GG is lackluster, my suggestion is to also give +10 Critical Strike or +5% Pysical Defense.Which for a level 130 skill is about right, Fencing gives more benefit for a warrior than a 130 skill (it gives +10 acc ) Agility seems really pointless.
Agility and accuracy are massively underestimated and underutilised by a lot of people on this server, I promise they are not pointless :)

4)New skill- One with the Sword- level 140+. Your time honing warrior Martial Arts has increased your ability to focus longer! your protection field, Rage and berserkering now last 30 seconds longer. +40 level 1, +50 level 2 and +60 level 3. main one been berserkering its annoying as hell refreshing so often haha.
This (well, various slightly different versions of this) has been asked for quite a few times and has been rejected by GM. His reasoning is that berserk is meant to be a "burst" skill, to be used when needed, not all the time

1)first of all, i think the wizard class is really there in terms of power balance. out of all 3 classes i think its the one in the right place like most will say im sure. I really cant folt wizards. so i can only offer afew Skill book ideas. (if any high level wizards , perhaps zade could give some ideas it would be great)
Plenty better wizards than me, I just get the limelight cos I enjoy geeking XP, but thanks for your thoughts haha

2)New Skill- level 165+, After years of teleproting from place to place, you have discovered the ability to have others teleport to you! 20min cooldown. You recall your group to your location, level 0 60min cooldown, level 1 40min, level 2 30, level 3 20min.
I don't think this is really necessary, most 165+ either have their own recall set or at least have access to one

3)New skill- level 150+ Wisdom. Your years of honing the mind have increased your mana regrenation by 10/20/30%
I'd love some extra MP regen, I'm endlessly moaning about it! I think a skill like this could affect sales of regen torches though, I wonder if I'm the #1 buyer of them, quite likely I use at least 2 a day
Firstly thanks for the excellent post, great to see people putting some real thought into things!

Hi :)

I've always seen this command and it's predecessor (@under100freeXP) to be "rewards" for engaging with the community. Most established players know about these commands and will tell you about it if you ask for advice ingame, or on facebook, or on the forum. Those who get involved with the community and talk to other players like this will be rewarded by probably being told about the command. Those who want to be antisocial and play a solo game will need to work a bit harder. The game is very community orientated, so this just encourages that along a little bit

The AH search/filter facility is very lacking, this is a known problem that's been reported many times. GM has stated that he would love to do it but it's a huge amount of work and basically the whole AH needs a rebuild from the ground up. Priority is given to offering new content updates, but I'm sure I'm not alone in hoping this is something that is being worked on quietly and isn't entirely shelved.

This is sort of catered for by socket items (runes). Low level bosses can drop all sorts of runes and while some are worthless, a lot can be sold to shop for significant gold, some are very desirable for higher level players to buy. For example a while back I had a BraveryCrystal(L) from a Treebeard (level 97 boss) which in current market is worth around 300 game gold. Health runes are very much in fashion at the moment and are probably the most valuable, if you get a big one of those you're in the money as a low level, and they can drop pretty much anywhere.

Love to see someone levelling all three chars, after my own heart haha. Obviously I'm mostly focused on wiz but I like to mess about on the others to keep my eye in and try to understand the advantages and disadvantages that each faces. Seems like you're doing a good job of following the same path!

100% agree with this one, levelling skills is an outdated feature and IMO should be scrapped, just make every skill level up at 1/1 cast. There's zero fun or challenge involved. The only purpose it serves is to drive sales of skill necklaces, but since they were removed from game shop over a year ago I really don't see any point in keeping skill levelling in it's current form.

Interesting idea, not sure I'm quite convinced it's necessary though. Might be wortwhile to consider though

Look after your pets better :p If you don't want to have to level them up again, don't let them die!

I understand your point but respectfully disagree. If you make 10m on a hunt, sell a gold bar and make 30-35gg, toughening oil is only 6gg and will last your entire hunt, no more repairs. Regards wizards taking less hits and levelling up faster, one of those things can be true at a time depending on your hunting style, but you can't do both. If a wiz wants to level fast they will take more hits than a warrior will

Wizards are designed for AoE attacks, warriors are designed for 1v1 attacks. Adjust your levelling style to suit

Agility and accuracy are massively underestimated and underutilised by a lot of people on this server, I promise they are not pointless :)

This (well, various slightly different versions of this) has been asked for quite a few times and has been rejected by GM. His reasoning is that berserk is meant to be a "burst" skill, to be used when needed, not all the time

Plenty better wizards than me, I just get the limelight cos I enjoy geeking XP, but thanks for your thoughts haha

I don't think this is really necessary, most 165+ either have their own recall set or at least have access to one

I'd love some extra MP regen, I'm endlessly moaning about it! I think a skill like this could affect sales of regen torches though, I wonder if I'm the #1 buyer of them, quite likely I use at least 2 a day

Thanks alot for the feedback, alot are just thought i had at one time or another while leveling up. Those "i really think this would be great at this time ect" sort of idea. Ive many more and will gladly post even more skill idea's for people to consider. (i like to think them up while im smashing things on my warrior in desert mine 2/3).

After recently getting CoP i understand where you are coming from in regards to wizard levelling, im so used to the Inferno>blaze>firestorm playstyle.
Thanks alot for the feedback, alot are just thought i had at one time or another while leveling up. Those "i really think this would be great at this time ect" sort of idea. Ive many more and will gladly post even more skill idea's for people to consider. (i like to think them up while im smashing things on my warrior in desert mine 2/3).

After recently getting CoP i understand where you are coming from in regards to wizard levelling, im so used to the Inferno>blaze>firestorm playstyle.

Keep going with the ideas m8, you remind me of myself at your stage in the game. Keep chucking the ideas out there and then wait for the odd one or two to appear in game, feels great
There's a few things that are "as designed" but its a nice perspective so thank you for taking the time to write. I will have to find some time to properly digest it all