Account in use? | The Legend of Mir

Account in use?

Hi, it was fine this morning, went to shops, tried to log back in all I get is "account in use or locked due to abnormal termination" - if I try a second time I get to the character select screen but no characters.

From the aacount in use bit I'm hoping to hell it hasn't been hacked, and no, nobody has my info. Tried with AV etc turned off, it has admin rights - as I say, was working this morning.

Any help would be appreciated.
That happens on rare occasion if you get disconnected uncleanly, just give it a minute and log in again and it will be fine
Unfortunately I tried that, even uninstalled/re-installed, set compatibility etc again, same thing. I have given up for a while, but just checked - no "account in use", but still "loading char select please wait" and just sits there.
Sounds like your PC is having trouble connecting to the server. Check firewall / antivirus settings, and if your isp has any restrictions