Hi I Accidentality sold ItheraelsBelt to Tailor in Tristram thought i had selected repair but did not waited to see if it would reappear in the sales list of items but did not appear is there any way to get the item back was sold at about 23:20
I’ve done it with a lvl127 redglobster wasnt happy
It will be for sale in another shop somewhere!! That’s not helpful I know but gm won’t return items that are sold by mistake
Gotta be careful and stop rushing when you have quick sell enabled. If you are selling one or two things then use normal sell or cluster your stuff together to sell in your bag near the bottom right and leave valuables top left or something, that's what I usually do anyway.
Just buy the excess stock. Eventually there will be room for your item to appear at the bottom of the list. Unless someone has already done it