Acc vs agility | The Legend of Mir

Acc vs agility


Active Member
Anyone done much testing of this?
What kind of gap does there need to be to begin achieving misses?
I.e. acc 200 will begin to miss when agility is 201.
Does that mean 1/200 hits will miss?
Any info appreciated.
Thanks in advance
It may be different here but in on most servers it's 2:1 so 200 agil vs 100 acc will result in 50% miss. Only server I've ever been able to abuse agil on was chronicles lol
Anyone done much testing of this?
What kind of gap does there need to be to begin achieving misses?
I.e. acc 200 will begin to miss when agility is 201.
Does that mean 1/200 hits will miss?
Any info appreciated.
Thanks in advance

When you “miss” what do you actually mean? Don’t hit the person at all or avoid / “miss” all their defence?
Yeh completely miss.

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Like when u was low lvl and some ice temple yetis have massive agil and some of ur hits totally miss

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Currently 190 acc misses 1/5 shots vs 240 agil
The way it calculates on Mir is a random number is generated between 0 and Agility, for a successful hit the Accuracy must be greater than that number.

Thus as stated 100 Acc will land 50% hits on Agil 200
The way it calculates on Mir is a random number is generated between 0 and Agility, for a successful hit the Accuracy must be greater than that number.

Thus as stated 100 Acc will land 50% hits on Agil 200

Thanks for the info, was never sure how exactly it worked, interesting to know!
The way it calculates on Mir is a random number is generated between 0 and Agility, for a successful hit the Accuracy must be greater than that number.

Thus as stated 100 Acc will land 50% hits on Agil 200

Thanks a lot for info

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Also maybe a bug I don’t know but if u get agil 256 it resets ur agil to 0
Anyone done much testing of this?
What kind of gap does there need to be to begin achieving misses?
I.e. acc 200 will begin to miss when agility is 201.
Does that mean 1/200 hits will miss?
Any info appreciated.
Thanks in advance

I think acc cap needs reducing slightly and agility cap need increasing. I get more misses using AC kit than I do using survive kit with max cap agility.
I think acc cap needs reducing slightly and agility cap need increasing. I get more misses using AC kit than I do using survive kit with max cap agility.

Think the fall out from that is when your fighting a wiz/tao on a warrior and half your hits are not landing. Would cause more harm than good.