AC MAC DC SC MC Increase skills | The Legend of Mir

AC MAC DC SC MC Increase skills


Active Member
Id like to put forward a idea that all spell that involve increasing these defence and attack are overhauled and made to be a bit more clever.

At present most of these skills increase by a certain
Number based on the skills level which was ideal in the start but to adapt as the server gets older and playera get higher level and stats i think we need a change as this will straight away add more motivation to level in order to use higher stat items thus meaning more reason to keep playing as you will know that you can improve these skills further (at present no matter what stats or level you are some skills dont get better.

Soooo my two ideas is either to have some thing like the following.

1- Scaled duration base on skill level + player stats

Skills which increase any of the mentioned stats are based on a base duration per skill level then on a scale of the users stats the duration is added to (quick e.g. and not based on exact figures ingame now below)

100 max sc tao with level 1 Ultimate Enhancer get UE for the following durarion
30 second base from level 1 UE
10 seconds extra for every 50 max sc the user has at time of cast

Total= 50 seconds in this case

100 max sc tao with level 2 Ultimate Enhancer gets a UE for the following duration
45 second base from level 2 UE
10 seconds extra for every 50 max sc the user has at the time of cast

Total= 65 seconds in this case

250 max sc tao with level 1 Ultimate Enhancer get UE for the following durarion
30 second base from level 1 UE
10 seconds extra for every 50 max sc the user has at time of cast

Total= 80 seconds in this case

250 max sc tao with level 2 Ultimate Enhancer gets a UE for the following duration
45 second base from level 2 UE
10 seconds extra for every 50 max sc the user has at the time of cast

Total= 95 seconds in this case

This could be applied in a uniform way across all sc/dc/mc enhancer skills so the above could be exactly same for dc (Damage field) or (Innersight)

This type or scaling would also have to apply to AC/MAC enhancer skills if it was implemented for attack stats to balance out better

2- Add more levels (from my experience this will require more coding work to do but would be simpler than modifying all the current skill formulas etc

Simply put add another level or two for all skills which increase any of the 5 stats in subject title.

These additional levels could add longer skill dura or allow the enhancer stat to be higher or add both.

Ill probably get hell for this but as i keep saying it would be have to be accross all 5 stats to allow each class to benefit it would also add more life and longevity to the current skills we have and give motivation to do more. This would help reducing the demand in the future for new skills as if we knew old/existinf skills could get better we'd at least know we can keep progressing.

would be good to see UE/AMC/AC and all the other buffs scale off your overrall DC/SC/MC etc rather than a set value. Kinda like how the Fire/Ice buffs are low with no holy or low sc but decently high with high sc/holy. ^_^
Thanks for the ideas I will think about it some more. I don't really think we need to be adding more power to players just yet but it could work for duration