A reward for Donators | The Legend of Mir

A reward for Donators


Active Member
This might be unpopular but who thinks a reward for those that donate would be good?

I am not talking about the subscription bonus, I am talking about an additional reward for those that hand over cold hard cash.

Something like an Arcmon pet, that a) looks awesome and b) gives a nice boost (maybe something along the Heroes league boost).

I wouldn’t like it to be OP, just a reward for those that make this all possible.

Scorp would set the level (or levels) however as I think it should include past donations I can see how this might be problematic or be too admin heavy.

Personally, I would love to have my own treasure goblin who generates extra gold for me / increases my find rate ;)
So like pets that use a 1000gg scroll or maybe a potion you could take that would increase ur gold find or magic find that you could buy with gg that you paid for with irl cash???? Something like that?
Heh! I get your point but I was thinking more of a reward for those that flash the cash and keep the server going rather than things brought with gg that can be earned by farming gold, items, lucky drops, etc. etc :)

I do also get that cash alone doesn’t make a community.
Heh! I get your point but I was thinking more of a reward for those that flash the cash and keep the server going rather than things brought with gg that can be earned by farming gold, items, lucky drops, etc. etc :)

I do also get that cash alone doesn’t make a community.

Tbh I get your point also but can’t see how it would be implemented without adding another “currency” that was gm to player only and not trade able
Heh! I get your point but I was thinking more of a reward for those that flash the cash and keep the server going rather than things brought with gg that can be earned by farming gold, items, lucky drops, etc. etc :)

I do also get that cash alone doesn’t make a community.

If this ever happends it must also be backwards to all of them that donated shit loads in the past

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I dont see it coming. I think a title instead of chicken hunter/assasin or whatever just give the title donater and it done
This might be unpopular but who thinks a reward for those that donate would be good?

I am not talking about the subscription bonus, I am talking about an additional reward for those that hand over cold hard cash.

Something like an Arcmon pet, that a) looks awesome and b) gives a nice boost (maybe something along the Heroes league boost).

I wouldn’t like it to be OP, just a reward for those that make this all possible.

Scorp would set the level (or levels) however as I think it should include past donations I can see how this might be problematic or be too admin heavy.

Personally, I would love to have my own treasure goblin who generates extra gold for me / increases my find rate ;)

Shanda does this. The more u donate the bigger the reward you get every couple of months.
Sometimes u got runes sometimes u got gold. But there was targets. If u donated over £500 in a month u got lots of runes. If u donated £100 in a month u got 1/2 runes. That kind of shit.
Something subtle like gold heroes league wings would be cool or something like that , but getting any rewards apart from the GG you paid for seems a bit weird to me.
Trouble with rewarding contributors is you then risk the server turning into a pay to play server where the advantages of those with deeper pockets far outweigh the non paying player which would be extremely unfair. I contribute and am happy to do so but wouldn’t expect anything other than the gg i pay for...
or remove rev scrolls and make death something u shudnt just take and pay for

Yh I always believed dieing in Mir should have some kind of consequence generally losing ya kit ;p . I think some players rely too much on the Rev scrolls now .
Making rev scrolls only usable where recall is allowed would be a good start, and disable bc where wizs can't use translocation

Yh I never understood why wizzies can’t use trans in some of the hardest parts of the game ? Like thunder pass ? Or some KR and in TOA, I couldn’t think of a place where trans would be more useful than trying to get away from one of those assassins theyre awkward little Fkers -.-
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Yh I never understood why wizzies can’t use trans in some of the hardest parts of the game ? Like thunder pass ? Or some KR and in TOA, I couldn’t think of a place where trans would be more useful than trying to get away from one of those assassins theyre awkward little Fkers -.-

In ThunderPass the reason is to stop wiz from skipping bits, there's one point you can trans over a wall on that map and skip like 10 minutes of running. I wish he'd just modify the map to make it not possible instead of disabling trans completely because it makes it so much harder, trans is just as essential to wiz as BC is to warrior. Make Wizzies Great Again :p

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Same thing applies in orc 4F, it's to stop you from skipping over walls to get to KR quicker, but Assassin rooms and orc KR, I can't think of any reason why to disable trans in those, it's literally our way of escape the same way warrs use BC when cornered. In those KRs it should be allowed both trans AND bc, or block them both to make it fair
I really wish tao's had a spell like BC and trans. It's fucking shit getting "cold" by a lure of mobs and once ur pets die you can only die yourself or tt :(