a really really old part of game | The Legend of Mir

a really really old part of game


Active Member
hey there andy i reamber from years and years ago when i was so little guilds used to pay like 10mil per week to have there own wall/town so they can afk there and the only guild war for wall was SW

how about trying to find the file for years ago were u can own ur own guild land caslte or whatever it was and make it like war wills for the quest that u need a wall to get too

i would not go to fight for a wall but i would buy the guild land per week and so on but make it just like a guild war wall without makeing gold ..

please let me know if u like this ider
Would be great to have them again.
Used to be able to put all sorts of items in the GT guild members could pvp safely or just afk as long as no one sold people guest entrance and we all got pkd by an intruder lol.
But the only thing with having GT's are that towns become empty and new players dont get to see people and hear chat or ask for help etc.
Would be great to have them again.
Used to be able to put all sorts of items in the GT guild members could pvp safely or just afk as long as no one sold people guest entrance and we all got pkd by an intruder lol.
But the only thing with having GT's are that towns become empty and new players dont get to see people and hear chat or ask for help etc.

LOL u cant say town will be empty u will still have the stalls lol and them players that will show off and talk shit

and for the selling guild telports can be made so only guilds can go to there own if sold or dropped andy can easy sort that out with his big brain
i remember GT's only thing i would say is keep the town resting bonus in towns so GT do not become main place for hanging out you would still need to go to any town to build resting bonus