7 Days Bonus Missing | The Legend of Mir

7 Days Bonus Missing


Active Member
Hi Scorpion Since the 16th of December there has been no seven day bonus for logging on.
Yes I know there is an event but why should that determine the seven day bonus?
I log on every single day and play every single day which I have done now for a very long time.
Why has this stopped???
Or is it just me that has not been receiving it and if so why?
How/where can u see that u have 7day log in buff? I can see the normal buff but not sure where u can see that u have 7day log in buff

Cheers x
How/where can u see that u have 7day log in buff? I can see the normal buff but not sure where u can see that u have 7day log in buff

Cheers x

It's not a buff. It's a one-off thing that happens when you log in.

If you have logged in for 7 days in a row, on the 7th time you will get some free exp and you will get a notification of it on the chat window like a blue server announcement.

You can get this a maximum of once per 7 days per character
It's not a buff. It's a one-off thing that happens when you log in.

If you have logged in for 7 days in a row, on the 7th time you will get some free exp and you will get a notification of it on the chat window like a blue server announcement.

You can get this a maximum of once per 7 days per character

Hmmm not sure if ive got this tbh, but ill have a look, thank u so much zade for letting me know x
It's not a buff. It's a one-off thing that happens when you log in.

If you have logged in for 7 days in a row, on the 7th time you will get some free exp and you will get a notification of it on the chat window like a blue server announcement.

You can get this a maximum of once per 7 days per character

What if i stay loggen in for 7 days without logg off? :shame::shame:
What if i stay loggen in for 7 days without logg off? :shame::shame:

I do that, I'm pretty much logged in 24/7 lol. Bonus is not so useful now though it's like 2 mill exp or something once a week, only good for lvl under 120 I think, after that you are addicted and don't need more incentive :)
I do that, I'm pretty much logged in 24/7 lol. Bonus is not so useful now though it's like 2 mill exp or something once a week, only good for lvl under 120 I think, after that you are addicted and don't need more incentive :)

I always need more incentives :p
Am I right in thinking this is only 2mil exp per week? Or does it increase with lvl?

I remember seeing 2 mill per week at lower level then 5 mill per week when higher. But I never took any note of when this was or what level the cutoffs were. Also might be other bonuses. I never really paid any attention so can't give specifics.

It does seem a tiny amount of exp to worry about either way though tbf...
I remember seeing 2 mill per week at lower level then 5 mill per week when higher. But I never took any note of when this was or what level the cutoffs were. Also might be other bonuses. I never really paid any attention so can't give specifics.

It does seem a tiny amount of exp to worry about either way though tbf...

If that’s the case maybe take it off blue announcements along with some of the other unneeded stuff. If someone looses items due to account sharing then they deserve too! We don’t need to be reminded of one persons stupidity every 10 mins
It was not a huge amount but as a long time player and a daily player I totally appreciated the amount I received for logging on every day.
It was an incentive and a little bonus for being a regular player. So it is missed sadly missed.
Please Scorpion you did say earlier in the post you would look into this. It is still not working and yes you do have a blue shout about it via logging on every day for seven in a row.
I decided not to restore it in favour of something new that will come in the next few months. Sorry!