Get yourself stuck in to the Emily quests in border town, pick up everything the Yobs, Yetis etc drop and tt when your bag is full and quick sell it to the vendors in border village, some are inside buildings, you will be surprised how much gold you will make from doing this.
Before you know it you'll be in your mid 40s and really invested.
From there you should look around Bichon town for the farmer and try do some of his easy quests, like gamescore and pest removal, den of evil are a few.. don't blow your gold on the 100k gold quest, it will shoot you up too many levels and you'll not have any gear or cash and immediately hit a wall, save this quest for when you have around 250k, keep levelling, questing, selling drops and saving your gold to buy level 50 gear from vendors in Arcane Wall.
Use hidden lands to find yourself a special ring (clear, para, pro). Don't buy these rings from players as you will need the bones from hidden lands anyway and more than likely you'll find one of each whilst you are there gathering them for the farmers quest "bone collector".
Be polite and friendly, and speak to other players and even if they don't reply just keep being nice and soon you will find a friendly player who may even take you under their wing
Most of all, have fun! Arcadia is a great server.