Trade section of this forum? | The Legend of Mir

Trade section of this forum?

Trading happens in game usually people don't post here about trades or buying selling items, I used to do that when i was lower level but i got no responses so I found it to be pointless and stopped
The reason I suggested it was the most time I play yall UK people are sound asleep. And there's no WTB section on the AH, but yea not many players use this forum so it's moot.
The reason I suggested it was the most time I play yall UK people are sound asleep. And there's no WTB section on the AH, but yea not many players use this forum so it's moot.
The Email slash offline messaging function works in game now if you find something in AH just email message that player with your offer :)
Agree a looking to buy or I need section would be a nice feature but i guess it would eat a lot into the database as you have to have a item to display and there a damn lot of them ....