Bug Report - GreatOmaWarriorAxe Sale price bug | The Legend of Mir

Bug Report GreatOmaWarriorAxe Sale price bug


Active Member
Hi, i'm unsure if this is a bug or intended but i'd like to report it.

1695980929500.png weapon npc says he will buy it for only 97k gold
Had a couple of these, the stats seew useless for that level. I was assuming it was a quest weapon like LokiSceptre. Anyone found a quest that requires it yet?
Had a couple of these, the stats seew useless for that level. I was assuming it was a quest weapon like LokiSceptre. Anyone found a quest that requires it yet?
Oh i see, if its a quest item then it kinda makes sense for it to sell for such a low price i guess, However it can be salvaged unlike the other lvl 260 quest weapons
Funny enough, mine was crafted by a scroll as two star too. I knew it was not much good as a weapon but I was hoping for a nice design. Sadly, it wasn't to be. I wonder if anyone has had a high stat craft?